• I manage a college website which has hundreds of attached documents, many of which get updated frequently. I use your plugin to manage this process and it’s wonderful. But I have a question:
    I use the “Replace the file, use new file name and update all links” mode, because the new file name forces the browser find the new file – otherwise users get obsolete pages from their cache. When I replace a file, the src=”…” updates on any page to which the file is linkebut NOT attached, but on the page the file is attached to (as seen in the media library) the src link does not update. I have to go in and manually change it.
    Is there a way I can make the link on the page the file was originally attached to update with the rest?
    I use WP Better Attachments to show all files attached to a page in the admin, and to list/link attached PDF files on pages. I’ve considered turning it off to see if it’s a conflict, but I will lose hundreds of links to attachments if I do that!
    Thanks, Susan


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  • Same problem here: on multisite installation. Media replace works but the links on pages are not changed so they are all linking to 404 file not found error. So we need to manually change all the links which makes te plugin useless. It is possible this stopped working after a wordpress update.
    Hope there will be a solution.

    Ditto. Bummed. Great plugin I really rely on, so hopin’ for a fix. Or, even better, to have media replacement functionality added to core WP…it’s always has seemed like a feature gap to me.

    I would need more information on this. What, in detail, is not happening that you would like to see happen?

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