I was the last one to make changes to the quotes so it’s still fresh in my mind, and hopefully I can answer your question.
Simple answer – No, there is no way to accomplish that.
Simple explanation – The quotes are included within the reply content as if it were part of the reply content.
This is default bbPress behavior. Style Pack just expands upon that default behavior to provide more quote options, better styling, and integration of quotes within both editors.
How those user profile links are handled is based upon your profile settings. If user profiles are public, guest users will be allowed to access the user profiles from that link. If user profiles are private, guest users will be prompted to login to access any user profile.
If guest users can access user profiles, but you don’t want them to, just change your user profile settings to private.
It sounds like you’re asking how to hide/disable those links completely for guest users, overriding the default bbPress behavior.
That is possible by using a hook for the content, and doing str_replace() or preg_replace() for every URL that matches a pattern for your user profiles, and only doing so for guest users. A bit beyond any current plans for Style Pack at the moment, but if that is what you want, I can give you a code snippet to get you started that you could alter for your purposes. Let me know.