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  • I’d like to know how to add linked in ??

    Can you share what you did please?

    thank you,

    Thread Starter alejandro.moreno.mvd


    Hi Dora,
    I made these changes:

    In var definition of class:

    // plugin default settings
    var $pluginDefaultSettings = array(
    'googleplus' => '1',
    'fblike' => '2',
    'twitter' => '3',
    'linkedin' => '1',
    'pinterest' => '0',
    'beforepost' => '1',
    'afterpost' => '0',
    'beforepage' => '1',
    'afterpage' => '0',
    'beforearchive' => '0',
    'afterarchive' => '0'
    // defined buttons
    var $arrKnownButtons = array('fblike', 'googleplus', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'pinterest');

    In include_social_js function:

    <?php if ((int) $this->settings['linkedin'] != 0): ?>
    // linkedin
    !function(d, s, id) {
    var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    if (!d.getElementById(id)) {
    js = d.createElement(s); = id;
    js.src = "";
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
    }(document, "script", "linkedin-wjs");
    <?php endif; ?>

    In include_css function:

    div.ssb-button-linkedin { width: 100px; }

    In generate_buttons_code function:

    $arrButtonsCode = array();
    foreach ($arrButtons as $button_name => $button_sort) {
    switch ($button_name) {
    case 'linkedin':
    $arrButtonsCode[] = '<div class="simplesocialbutton ssb-button-linkedin"><!-- Linkedin --><script type="IN/Share" data-url="'.$permalink.'" data-counter="right"></script></div>';

    I have made a ssb-admin.php changes too, to save the Linkedin account.
    See below:

    <div class="wrap">

    <style type="text/css">
    div.inside ul li {
    line-height: 16px;
    list-style-type: square;
    margin-left: 15px;

    <h2>Simple Social Buttons - <?php _e('Settings'); ?>:</h2>

    <p><?php _e('Simple Social Buttons by Pawe? Rabinek. This plugin adds a social media buttons, such as: Google +1, Facebook Like it, Twitter share and Pinterest. The most flexible social buttons plugin ever.', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></p>


    if(strtolower(@$_POST['hiddenconfirm']) == 'y') {

    * Compile settings array
    * @see

    $updateSettings = array(
    'googleplus' => $_POST['ssb_googleplus'],
    'fblike' => $_POST['ssb_fblike'],
    'twitter' => $_POST['ssb_twitter'],
    'linkedin' => $_POST['ssb_linkedin'],
    'pinterest' => $_POST['ssb_pinterest'],

    'beforepost' => $_POST['ssb_beforepost'],
    'afterpost' => $_POST['ssb_afterpost'],
    'beforepage' => $_POST['ssb_beforepage'],
    'afterpage' => $_POST['ssb_afterpage'],
    'beforearchive' => $_POST['ssb_beforearchive'],
    'afterarchive' => $_POST['ssb_afterarchive'],

    'showfront' => $_POST['ssb_showfront'],
    'showcategory' => $_POST['ssb_showcategory'],
    'showarchive' => $_POST['ssb_showarchive'],
    'showtag' => $_POST['ssb_showtag'],

    'override_css' => $_POST['ssb_override_css'],

    'linkedinusername' => str_replace(array("@", " "), "", $_POST['ssb_linkedinusername']),
    'twitterusername' => str_replace(array("@", " "), "", $_POST['ssb_twitterusername']),

    $this->update_settings( $updateSettings );


    * HACK: Use one big array instead of a bunchload of single options
    * @author Fabian Wolf
    * @link
    * @since 1.2.1

    // get settings from database
    $settings = $this->get_settings();

    extract( $settings, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'ssb' );


    <div class="postbox-container" style="width:69%">
    <div id="poststuff">
    <form name="ssb_form" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>">

    <div class="postbox">
    <h3><?php _e('Select buttons', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h3>
    <div class="inside">
    <h4><?php _e('Select social media buttons:', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h4>

    <p><select name="ssb_googleplus" id="ssb_googleplus">
    <option value=""<?php if(empty($ssb_googleplus) != false) {
    } ?>><?php _e('inactive', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></option>

    <?php for($pos = 1; $pos < 5; $pos++) { ?>
    <option value="<?php echo $pos; ?>"<?php if($ssb_googleplus == $pos) {
    } ?>> # <?php echo $pos; ?> </option>
    <?php } ?>
    <label for="ssb_googleplus"><?php _e('Google plus one (+1)', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>

    <!-- fblike -->
    <p><select name="ssb_fblike" id="ssb_fblike">
    <option value=""<?php if(empty($ssb_fblike) != false) {
    } ?>><?php _e('inactive', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></option>

    <?php for($pos = 1; $pos < 6; $pos++) { ?>
    <option value="<?php echo $pos; ?>"<?php if($ssb_fblike == $pos) {
    } ?>> # <?php echo $pos; ?> </option>
    <?php } ?>
    <label for="ssb_fblike"><?php _e('Facebook Like it', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>
    <!-- /fblike -->

    <!-- twitter -->
    <p><select name="ssb_twitter" id="ssb_twitter">
    <option value=""<?php if(empty($ssb_twitter) != false) {
    } ?>><?php _e('inactive', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></option>

    <?php for($pos = 1; $pos < 6; $pos++) { ?>
    <option value="<?php echo $pos; ?>"<?php if($ssb_twitter == $pos) {
    } ?>> # <?php echo $pos; ?> </option>
    <?php } ?>
    <label for="ssb_twitter"><?php _e('Twitter share', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>
    <!-- /twitter -->

    <!-- linkedin -->
    <p><select name="ssb_linkedin" id="ssb_linkedin">
    <option value=""<?php if(empty($ssb_linkedin) != false) {
    } ?>><?php _e('inactive', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></option>

    <?php for($pos = 1; $pos < 6; $pos++) { ?>
    <option value="<?php echo $pos; ?>"<?php if($ssb_linkedin == $pos) {
    } ?>> # <?php echo $pos; ?> </option>
    <?php } ?>
    <label for="ssb_linkedin"><?php _e('Linkedin - Share it', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>
    <!-- /linkedin -->

    <!-- pinterest -->
    <p><select name="ssb_pinterest" id="ssb_pinterest">
    <option value=""<?php if(empty($ssb_pinterest) != false) {
    } ?>><?php _e('inactive', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></option>

    <?php for($pos = 1; $pos < 6; $pos++) { ?>
    <option value="<?php echo $pos; ?>"<?php if($ssb_pinterest == $pos) {
    } ?>> # <?php echo $pos; ?> </option>
    <?php } ?>
    <label for="ssb_pinterest"><?php _e('Pinterest - Pin It', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label> (<?php echo _e('Will be visible only on post with thumbnail', 'simplesocialbuttons');?>)</p>
    <!-- /pinterest -->

    <p><label for="ssb_override_css"><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_override_css" id="ssb_override_css" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_override_css)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?>/> <?php _e('Disable plugin CSS (only advanced users)', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>

    <div class="postbox">
    <h3><?php _e('Single posts - display settings', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h3>
    <div class="inside">
    <h4><?php _e('Place buttons on single post:', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h4>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_beforepost" id="ssb_beforepost" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_beforepost)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_beforepost"><?php _e('Before the content', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_afterpost" id="ssb_afterpost" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_afterpost)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_afterpost"><?php _e('After the content', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>

    <div class="postbox">
    <h3><?php _e('Single pages - display settings', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h3>
    <div class="inside">
    <h4><?php _e('Place buttons on single pages:', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h4>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_beforepage" id="ssb_beforepage" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_beforepage)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_beforepage"><?php _e('Before the page content', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_afterpage" id="ssb_afterpage" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_afterpage)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_afterpage"><?php _e('After the page content', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>

    <div class="postbox">
    <h3><?php _e('Archives - display settings', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h3>
    <div class="inside">
    <h4><?php _e('Select additional places to display buttons:', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h4>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_showfront" id="ssb_showfront" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_showfront)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_showfront"><?php _e('Show at frontpage', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_showcategory" id="ssb_showcategory" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_showcategory)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_showcategory"><?php _e('Show at category pages', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_showarchive" id="ssb_showarchive" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_showarchive)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_showarchive"><?php _e('Show at archive pages', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_showtag" id="ssb_showtag" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_showtag)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_showtag"><?php _e('Show at tag pages', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>

    <h4><?php _e('Place buttons on archives:', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h4>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_beforearchive" id="ssb_beforearchive" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_beforearchive)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_beforearchive"><?php _e('Before the content', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssb_afterarchive" id="ssb_afterarchive" value="1" <?php if(!empty($ssb_afterarchive)) { ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> <label for="ssb_afterarchive"><?php _e('After the content', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></label></p>

    <div class="postbox">
    <h3><?php _e('Additional features'); ?></h3>
    <div class="inside">
    <p><label for="ssb_twitterusername"><?php _e('Twitter @username', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?>: <input type="text" name="ssb_twitterusername" id="ssb_twitterusername" value="<?php echo (isset($ssb_twitterusername)) ? $ssb_twitterusername : "";?>" /></label></p>
    <p><label for="ssb_linkedinusername"><?php _e('Linkedin username', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?>: <input type="text" name="ssb_linkedinusername" id="ssb_linkedinusername" value="<?php echo (isset($ssb_linkedinusername)) ? $ssb_linkedinusername : "";?>" /></label></p>

    <div class="submit">
    <input type="hidden" name="hiddenconfirm" value="Y" />
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes'); ?>" />


    <div class="postbox-container" style="width:29%">
    <div id="poststuff">
    <div class="postbox">
    <h3><?php _e('About this plugin:', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h3>
    <div class="inside">

    <p><?php _e('Enjoy this plugin?', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?> <?php _e('Buy me a beer', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?> :)
    <form action="" method="post" target="_top">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
    <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="K6MSA43G47G3S">
    <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
    <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">


    <div class="postbox">
    <h3><?php _e('About the author:', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></h3>
    <div class="inside">
    <p><?php _e('Hi! My name is Pawe? Rabinek (aka xradar). I\'m interesed in SEO and social media, PHP and WordPress developement.', 'simplesocialbuttons'); ?></p>




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