• Is it possible to edit the paths (URL’s) of the links that are displayed? At the moment, all my custom posts are being displayed a to z, just like I need it to, but when you click on the link, it doesn’t work because the path isn’t correct – the posts are sitting in a custom post type called ‘dinosaur’ and I need the link to go to “…/dinosaur/achelousaurus/” instead of “…/achelousaurus/”

    Thank you for any help ??


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  • Thread Starter mhairilongmuir


    Oh wow, well done! Glad to hear you got it working, and thanks very much for taking the time to explain all this to me ??

    Much appreciated! have a good day

    Plugin Author tugbucket


    The permalink issue was an over site on my part that another user and I worked through recently. It should be fixed in version 13.0.5 when released.

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