• Hi
    I have a problem discovered on google speed insight, on the desktop part of accessibility.
    The problem is with the wordpress theme, more precisely with the navigation menu, if I disable the menu I get a score of 100 with it, so I only get a score of 89/100.
    Since some element is missing, I have reproduced the messages from google speed below.
    “List elements (

    • ) are not included in parent elements
      or <menu>.”
      “Elements of an ARIA role [role]that require child elements to contain a particular element [role]are missing one or all of their required child elements.”
      web site: [ redundant link removed ]

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator t-p


    The problem is with the wordpress theme

    Looking at your site, you use grafica theme.

    Your currently used theme could not be found in the www.ads-software.com/themes/ directory, as far as I can see.

    If this was a custom theme, you may have to go back to your developer team and ask them to make the necessary change(s) to the theme.

    If you use a commercial theme or plugin and need support, please go to their official support channel. In order to be good stewards of the WordPress community, and encourage innovation and progress, we feel it’s important to direct people to those official locations.

    Forum volunteers are also not given access to commercial products, so they would not know why your commercial theme or plugin is not working properly. This is one other reason why volunteers forward you to the commercial product’s vendors. The vendors are responsible for supporting their commercial product. Commercial products are not supported in these forums.

    Thread Starter Antena24.ro


    defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; // Exit if accessed directly
    // Header Layout
    $header_layout = tie_get_option( 'header_layout', 3 );
    if( tie_get_option( 'main_nav' ) || $header_layout == 1 || $header_layout == 4 ):
    	$main_menu_class = 'main-nav header-nav';
    	// Live Search skin
    	$live_search_data_skin = '';
    	if( tie_get_option( 'main-nav-components_search' ) && tie_get_option( 'main-nav-components_live_search' ) ){
    		$main_menu_class      .= ' live-search-parent';
    		$live_search_data_skin = 'data-skin="search-in-main-nav"';
    	// Header Layout
    	$logo_width  = '';
    	$line_height = '';
    	if( $header_layout == 1 || $header_layout == 4 ){
    		$logo_args = tie_logo_args();
    		extract( $logo_args );
    		$logo_margin_top    = ! empty( $logo_margin_top )    ? $logo_margin_top    : 20; // Default value in the CSS file
    		$logo_margin_bottom = ! empty( $logo_margin_bottom ) ? $logo_margin_bottom : 20; // Default value in the CSS file
    		$logo_width  = ( $logo_type == 'logo' ) ? 'style="width:' . intval( $logo_width ). 'px"' : '';
    		$logo_height = ( $logo_type == 'logo' ) ? $logo_height : 49;
    		$line_height = 'style="line-height:' . intval( $logo_height + $logo_margin_top + $logo_margin_bottom ). 'px"';
    <div class="main-nav-wrapper">
    <nav id="main-nav" <?php echo ( $live_search_data_skin ); ?> class="<?php echo esc_attr( $main_menu_class ) ?>" <?php echo ( $line_height ) ?> aria-label="<?php esc_html_e( 'Primary Navigation', TIELABS_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?>">
    <div class="container">
    <div class="main-menu-wrapper">
    					if( $header_layout == 1 || $header_layout == 4 ){
    						do_action( 'TieLabs/Logo/before' ); ?>
    						<div class="header-layout-1-logo" <?php echo ( $logo_width ) ?>>
    							<?php tie_logo(); ?>
    						do_action( 'TieLabs/Logo/after' );
    <div id="menu-components-wrap">
    						// Sticky Menu Logo
    <div class="main-menu main-menu-wrap tie-alignleft">
    							$custom_menu = tie_get_object_option( false, 'cat_menu', 'tie_menu' );
    							$menu_args   = array(
    								'menu'            => $custom_menu,
    								'container_id'    => 'main-nav-menu',
    								'container_class' => 'main-menu header-menu',
    								'theme_location'  => 'primary',
    								'fallback_cb'     => false,
    								'items_wrap'      => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s" role="menubar">%3$s</ul>',
    								if( ! tie_get_option( 'disable_mega_menu' ) ){
    								$menu_args['walker'] = new TIELABS_MEGA_MENU();
    							wp_nav_menu( $menu_args );
    						do_action( 'TieLabs/after_main_menu' );
    						// Get components template
    						TIELABS_HELPER::get_template_part( 'templates/header/components', '', array( 'components_id' => 'main-nav' ) );
    						do_action( 'TieLabs/after_main_components' );
    <?php endif; ?>
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