• Resolved gashface


    Is there a way to list the parent category with the child categories? I am currently trying to create a sidebar that looks something like this:

    Parent Category
    Child Cat 1
    Child Cat 2
    Child Cat 3

    However I can only find listing codes that either list the parent category or the children.

    <?php wp_list_categories('use_desc_for_title=0&child_of=24'); ?>

    The code above I’m using I tried adding include=24& but that did nothing, also how do I get rid of the title ‘categories’ I tried the usual title=li but that didn’t work either.
    Any help appreciated, thankyou!

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  • Use this:

    <?php wp_list_categories('include=24,'.implode(',',get_term_children(24, 'category')).'&title_li='); ?>

    Thread Starter gashface


    thankyou that worked perfectly!

    Thread Starter gashface


    One more question, as a bonus. I’m using current-cat to highlight the current category as a different colour.

    On the parent it highlights all of the children as well, is there a way that on the parent category page it will only highligh the parent in the list or not?

    Two easier methods I can think of:

    1. Depending on how it’s highlighted, you can write the CSS so that it “un-highlight” the children because the children categories are a list within a list.

    2. If the parent category is created before the children (lower integer ID), you can make it so that the children are not a list within the parent by setting


    Note that the children categories will no longer be listed alphabetically after the parent unless they were created in an alphabetical order.

    Fank you and me helped

    Thread Starter gashface


    This works in CSS:

    #sidebar li.current_page_item a{color: #00ADEE;}
    #sidebar ul.children a{margin: 0px 0px 0 20px; #808184;}



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