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  • Mark


    Actually the CSS seems to be fine in this case, it’s a template/HTML issue actually. Here’s the process in a nutshell;

    1. Copy the template file you’re going to edit, so that it won’t be overwritten when the plugin updates.

    Source: /wp-content/plugins/ldd-directory-lite/templates/category.php
    Destination: /wp-content/themes/your-theme/lddlite_templates/category.php

    2. Open the file for editing, wrap the entire <section> body and call to <?php get_sidebar(); ?> with <div id="blocks-wrapper" class="clearfix"> ... </div>

    3. Add the following classes to the <section>: “eleven columns” so your tag with attributes should look like <section id="primary" class="site-content directory-lite eleven columns">

    Give that a try.

    It also looks like one of you plugins is loading its own copy of bootstrap. You may be able to exclude the directory from loading a copy by turning it off in the directory settings. If you turn it off and things don’t look right, turn it back on; if you turn it off and nothing seems to change, leave it off.

    Hi Mark Sorry about this but I am getting the same problem. Not realy following what I have to do to fix it. Any chance you could post up what the whole page should look like once edited. Thanks Steve



    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id="blocks-wrapper" class="clearfix">
        <section id="primary" class="site-content directory-lite eleven columns">
            <div id="content" role="main">
                <?php echo ldl_get_header(); ?>
                <div class="col-md-12">
                    <div class="list-group">
                        <?php echo ldl_get_categories(get_queried_object()->term_id); ?>
                <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
                    while (have_posts()) {
                        ldl_get_template_part('listing', 'compact');
                <?php else : ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
        <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    That’s the way (I believe) your category.php should look to make it work with your theme. Let me know if that works.

    Thread Starter mfcb


    Hi Mark, thanks for that. Its solved the sidebar problem for the “listings” page but the problem still remains for the “listing” page when the user clicks on an individual business.


    Thanks for your help. Matt

    I still have the same problem and it persists with the custom themes as well as all the stock wordpress themes that I have tried.

    I think if the embedded form in the entries could somehow coded to be below the google map, this would stop happening. But I am no programmer:)

    Right now i am running my site without a sidebar.

    Hi Mark, Great plugin friend. The only issue I seem to be having is the same as these guys. I’ve attempted to change the category.php file exactly to as you mentioned but I have no difference.

    I believe I have bootstrap running already and have disabled as instructed. I attempted overcoming temporarily with CSS but I cant find a way.

    Also I must mention I am running a Child Theme.

    Is there any update on how this plugin can be adapted in these circumstances?

    Thanks buddy, keep up the great work!



    I must apologize, I left the company responsible for this plugin and work for a larger firm now that doesn’t leave me with a lot of extra time to continue support for this.

    I have no idea if they (the original developer) have any intent to continue it, but hopefully they’ll be able to pop in at some point and let you all know!

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