• I’ve been getting a web site ready using WordPress 2.5 (since it’ll most likely be 100% complete when I finish this site) but seem to be having a problem with the child_of parameter when using wp_list_categories.

    When using wp_list_categories, I’d like to be able to list the child of multiple categories (for example, Category IDs 1, 3, and 6). Therefore, I am using the following code:

    <?php wp_list_categories('style=none&child_of=1,3,6&title_li=&depth=1'); ?>

    Unfortunately, when doing so, WordPress reports there are No Categories. If using just a single Category ID with the child_of parameter, it’ll list the categories.

    I see documentation stating this was possible previously using the now defunct wp_list_cats. Was this functionality removed with wp_list_categories? Does any have a recommendation for an alternate method of achieving this?

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