Hi @wimzwag,
Thanks for your suggestion, I have definitely thought about this too. I would love to get some more details about what you are thinking.
Do you see the list view as a simple one-after-the-other list, a table or perhaps a grid? Would each simply list each Overlay’s image, title, description and type? Or would there be more integration like a link to “View on the Map”? Would the Overlays be ordered by Type?
You mentioned “switching” to list view – would you either see the list OR the Map, or would you want to display both and have some interaction between the two?
I created a custom solution which is something like what you describe – there is a sidebar added to the right of the Map which lists the Overlays and has some hover/click interaction integration. The Overlays are grouped by Type with Icon and colour matched to their Type.
There are also some other benefits to having the content displayed outside of the Map and more logically within the HTML, making it easier for the search engines to index for example.
Curious to hear any more input.