• Resolved Nathan Ingram


    Hi Samuel! We’re loving your plugin. Thanks so much for your work here.

    BTW – I featured it in my SolidWP January 2024 Plugin Roundup on Solid Academy and it made the Best-Of list as well.

    As a Litespeed user, I wonder if you’d consider adding this constant as well which would prevent any of the Litespeed optimization from applying in addition to the caching:


    That constant was provided to my by their support team.

    Thanks again for your great work!

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  • Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    Hi Nathan,

    Thanks for the plugin highlight, I’m glad to see you are so happy with the plugin. Don’t forget to leave your rating ??

    Regarding the LITESPEED_NO_OPTM constant, I think we have talked about it some months ago (by email).
    Fresh Forms uses LITESPEED_DISABLE_ALL which disables everything (cache and optimization). So I see no benefit in adding LITESPEED_NO_OPTM .

    Just in case, I did a scan of LiteSpeed Cache plugin files and found that LITESPEED_NO_OPTM is only used in the src/core.cls.php file. And LITESPEED_DISABLE_ALL is also in that file, processed before LITESPEED_NO_OPTM , confirming there’s no need to use LITESPEED_NO_OPTM when LITESPEED_DISABLE_ALL is already in use.

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