Little help with post_class( ) template tag
Hi there,
I have a post_class() template tag in my index.php template that i would like to add a custom class which is generated by my admin options.
The post_class() should output like this:
<div <?php post_class( classFoo class2 );?>>
Now, classFoo is generated by my options page but i don’t know how to add it to the template tag dynamically. class2 is already in the tag.
Here’s what i got now:
This echoes the classFoo
<?php echo $smof_data['custom_class'];?>
i tried added it to post_class() like:
<div <?php post_class( 'echo $smof_data['custom_class'] class2');?>>
but obviously it doesn’t work.Php is not my strength.
I suspect this must be a easy thing to accomplish.Can anybody please please please help?
Cheers Alex
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