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  • Yup, I have it working ok on my main blog…even running version 2.0.2 of WordPress. =D


    Can I leave a comment on your site to see it work Spenc?

    Can I leave a comment on your site to see it work Spenc?

    I don’t see why not.. =/ I mean, that’s why comments are enabled right? =P I just tried it before I posted the first reply in here, and it dropped down the spot to be able to see it.. So go ahead I guess.. lol!


    Just be warned though, if ya drop something smart azzed, you just might get a reply back in the same manner LOL! =P

    Don’t mean to be stupid but what does this “live comment” do. Is it “AJAX” like?
    I too tried to leave comments on your site but you had to be logged in? From your above post, it sounds like you allow anon comments.

    carnold..Ok, alright..I unchecked that option now..I dunno remember why I turned it “ON” to start with though..hmm. =/

    Also, you’re not forgetting to add that line of code in your comments.php file by any chance?
    <?php live_preview(); ?>

    I added right after this code:

    <a href="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-login.php?action=logout" title="<?php _e('Log out of this account') ?>">Logout &raquo;</a></p>


    [slaps self] That’s why I had a few ppl register lately that I didn’t even know or nothing LOL!

    Umm, i left a comment at your site and saw what this does. My site still does not do this (even with the plugin activated and that code in my comments.php). My comments.php code looks a little different than yours
    <p class=”info”>Logged in as /wp-admin/profile.php”><?php echo $user_identity; ?>. /wp-login.php?action=logout” title=”<?php _e(‘Log out of this account’) ?>”>Logout.
    <?php live_preview(); ?>
    Using WP 2.0.2. Maybe it doesn’t work with 2.0.2?

    carnold, view the source of my blog once lol.. I’m running 2.0.2 also.

    <title>The Vindictive Bastard </title>
    <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.0.2" />

    Check to make sure your code placement is right once..


    Yep, i am running 2.0.2 also (according to view source). The placement of the code is as you stated “right after this code” and exactly as it is copied in the last post of mine. Anyway, it has to be something to do with code placement.

    Anyway, it has to be something to do with code placement.

    Heh, yeah, that’s what I’m figuring..but, maybe try it in another place or something.. Because, maybe that just works for me, on the theme I’m using..and your’s just might need it some where different or something like that lol! =D

    Just play around with it I guess..all I know is it works on my blog running 2.0.2, with that HeadSpace theme. I hope ya get this figured out soon.


    On a sidenote: Have you upgraded that plugin though to the LATEST version of it..? Just curious..

    When i test in wordpress 2.2
    it’s not working h

    always with same problem with live comment preveiw
    i use wordpress 2.2
    here … Preview.js
    have this error

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add_action() in D:\www\\website\maMartinique\wp-content\plugins\live-comment-preview.php on line 189

    nobody can help me ?

    For any interested parties, I did a bit of a hatchet job on this plugin (v1.7) to include support for Textile markup.

    The diff is available at

    a diff file …. eh .. i do what with this file ? Can u explain me ?


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