• Ok, after much pain and suffering, I have my plugin pack ready to go.
    This is release 0, which means that they should work, but they have only been tested by me on my blog. Also, there are many features that aren’t in them, that I hope to add in the future.
    You can get the whole set here
    To install, simply unzip the file into you wp-content/plugins folder on your blog. Then login to the Admin screen, click on Plugins and activate all the the LJ plugins.
    Here is what each does and what customization you may need to do
    LJ Extras: This is the GUI system that drives the rest of the plugins. It is optional, but it makes dealing with the others much simpler. Without it, you need to manually create up to 6 custom meta tags. I STRONGLY suggest installing it. Once it is activated, you will see a new set of buttons and input fields in the post editing interfaces.
    LJ Mood Icons: This plugin will display your mood and the LJ mood icon (Classic set only in this release) that goes with it. You can customize the text that appears before the mood by editing the string set in $mood_text in the file ljmoods.config.inc. Just replace the text in the ‘ ‘ with whatever you want it to say. The moods will appear below your post. You can also customize the paragraph by editing ljmoods.css in the plugins folder. This plugin uses two meta tags called unt_lj_moodid and unt_lj_mood to store the mood. These are created by the LJ Extras plugin, or you can add/edit them manually. If you disable the plugin, the mood will not be displayed on your post, but the meta data will be saved.
    LJ Music: This plugin will display the music you have set under each post. You can customize the text that appears before the music by editing the string set in $music_text in the file ljmusic.config.inc. Just replace the text in the ‘ ‘ with whatever you want it to say. You can also customize the paragraph by editing ljmusic.css in the plugins folder. This plugin a meta tag called unt_lj_music to store the music. These are created by the LJ Extras plugin, or you can add/edit them manually. If you disable the plugin, the music will not be displayed on your post, but the meta data will be saved.
    LJ Synch: This plugin will synch your post (no comments, hopefully in a future upgrade) with a Live Journal account. The plugin will also allow you to edit posts you have made to Live Journal through Word Press (currently only for posts that you synch with the LJ Synch plugin originally, though it is possible to manually setup imported posts to synch as well. This plugin uses 3 custom meta tags, I will explain each seperately.
    unt_lj_entry: this is the entry number returned by LiveJournal when the entry is synched. If you have an imported entry and know the LiveJournal entry number (this is NOT the same as the numbers in the html file that shows the page, this must be the internal itemid) you can manually create this entry along with unt_lj_journal and unt_lj_synch to enable editing of old posts on LiveJournal via WordPress. I hope to add support for importing the itemid and more in the future.
    unt_lj_journal: This is the journal that your post will be published to on LiveJournal. This value can be manually set, but it will also appear in the LJ Extras GUI in a drop down list. You can have more than one journal configured to post to. To configure the drop down list, you need to do the following. Open ljsynch.config.php and edit the line $journals[‘test’] = ‘test’;. Replace the part in [‘ ‘] with your LiveJournal username and the part in ‘ ‘ after the = with your password. Add additional lines in the same format to support more journals. Currently, you must have a username and password to post to the journal, I hope to support shared journals(groups) in a future relase.
    unt_lj_synch: This determines whether or not an entry will be synched when it is posted or edited. If the value is “checked” then it will be synched, otherwise it won’t. You can set this setting via the checkbox in the LJ Extras GUI, or manually.
    LJ Tags: This plugin converts LJ user and LJ Cut tags in WordPress posts to HTML so that you can synch these tags with Live journal. Currently, the LJ Cut tag requires a [lj-cut] style syntax instead of the usual < style.

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  • Thread Starter unteins


    tinuviel – The [ ] brackets only should be used on the cut tags (I will add support for the user tag in a future release though, just to be safe ??
    Also, I am working on adding the friend-only options to the synch plugin. You will have to use whatever options WordPress offers to hide the plugin on WordPress though. I don’t currently plan to support friend groups within WordPress, that’d be a whole lot of work ??

    I give. I have no idea. I only have your plugins enabled. ‘Just went to the plugins page, enabled them all. Boom. Go back to write page, nothing changes. The plugins page clearly says they’re active. (I moved the class-IXR.php to (base install)/wp-includes/

    Thread Starter unteins


    bfaber –
    1) Do you have javascript enabled?
    2) What browser are you using?

    IE 6. XP SP2 (though I’ve tried it with mozilla 1.5 and it appears the same).
    Javascript.. Yup.
    Bitmaps of the plugins enabled:
    I’m just an ignoramous or something. ?? ‘Must be something about dreamhost that I’m missing.

    Thread Starter unteins


    bfaber – any chance you could set me up with an account to login and poke a round a little in the WP interface?
    you can e-mail me a response at unteins at gmail (and then add a dot com)

    unteins, my experience and computer is the exact same as bfaber. The screen shots could be my pc. Server is Debain Linux Apache.

    Unteins – Ah, now I get it. Thanks for the clarification! Can you also add support for lj-cut tags with text, or is that also too much?
    “You will have to use whatever options WordPress offers to hide the plugin on WordPress though.” -> I’m not really sure what you meant by this…
    Also, what about the userpics? How/where do I put my keywords for those in the WP config files?

    Sorry for not getting back to you ASAP. I actually turned off PingBack and that seems to work now. Thanks!
    I’ll keep testing it out and will report any errors on here ??

    Thread Starter unteins


    Errrr….sorry tinuviel, I meant hide the post on WordPress….
    User pics are/will be (depends on if you have the version with limited userpic support) pulled from the LJ servers so you can select them from a drop down list in the post settings ??

    Unteins – but no, my dropdown list is empty, and a few posts back you mentioned having to enter keyword names into the LJ-userpic config file or something so that WP recognizes them and places them IN the dropdown list… maybe the guy asking the question said that… either way, where do I put those keywords? Cos I think I have the one with support, I downloaded every update you posted, but my list is still empty. Or do you mean the LJ server actually places the keywords into my WP post file for me and I don’t have to customize anything… in which case I guess I don’t have the one that supports it, though I am getting that same “Error on line 50” error message as the previous guy who asked about this…
    oh boy, that was confusing. Sorry!

    i tried it out and i liked it but…
    afterwards, the custom fields that the lj plugins use, start to grow in number…and everytime i tried to delete them, they would still grow. It got annoying so I deactivated the plugin, but the custom fields were still there. After a few posts, I deleted the ljplugin files. But the fields are still there. They’re like tribbles or somethin’. How can I remedy this? Thanx
    here’s a screenshot of what I’m speaking of…

    Thread Starter unteins


    Tinuviel – You need to go to https://www.livejournal.com/allpics.bml?user=unteins, replace unteins with your LJ user name and define keywords for your user pics. If there are no keywords defined, then it won’t work. Once you define them, you should be set. The keywords should pop up in that drop down list.

    Thread Starter unteins


    Zilla – Uhm….that shouldn’t be happening. What browser are you using? Also, are you sure you have the latest plugin release? That was an old problem that hasn’t cropped up for me in quite a while. Double check to make sure you have the latest version. Once the plugins are deactivated they shouldn’t be adding any new custom data either.

    I’m using Firefox 0.9 and IE but…the problem still remains
    how do i get rid of all of the custom fields? And I downloaded the release of what was at the beginning of this thread.

    Thread Starter unteins


    well the link at the beginning I think always points to the current release.
    If the plugins are disabled, uh….I am lost, they shouldn’t be doing that. Hmmmm….have you tried moving the plugins out of the wp-content/plugins directory?

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