• Hello, I have an issue with live orders. When the site is on the orders page and a new order is placed, the sound will not ring. On any other page the sound trigger everytime.

    where is the lines of code so if the site is already on orders page it still trigger everytime, not some every other time insanity. .. that’s crazy for that to work like,

    I was just in a restaurant earlier today and the owner was expressing negative feedback. Before, hand I sat and watched as orders were placed and the order handler didn’t see them because they were busy..

    this need sound alert every time I cannot wait for the next update.

    who ever thought that feature should work like don’t need to be in charge of these type of decisions. I can’t stress enough to tell you how bad that is.. no one is just sitting staring at the tablet/phone/ or monitor. ..

    it’s been over 1 week, what lines of code do I change or add for sound to trigger everytime?

    sound alert everytime on every page

    Need this IMMEDIATELY!

    Thank you.

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  • Plugin Support A Zaman Sagor



    It is not limited to a line of code. We have maintained it on the plugin very calculatingly. But somehow it is not working properly on your side. We are checking the issue. After that, if we find any problem with it, then we will let you know. Because it is not well programmed if you load the notification sound script on all of the pages. It will decrease your page speed and always load a js on every page. That’s why we loaded it on the order page. But somehow it is not working well on your side. So, we are really sorry to you. Sorry, for this kind of inconvenience. Hope in the next update we will fix it must. 

    Please allow us some time. 

    Hope you can understand.

    Thanks for being with us.

    Best Regards

    Thread Starter tsccorp


    Yes, understood, and yes I am with you all, but you all have to understand from the from this side of things. Can there be an immediate release to have the sound play every time there is aa new order? As is stand on the orders page, the recent order pop up appear every time, is there not a way to have the sound trigger every time with this? I’m a paid customer this is what I need immediately, everything else I can bare with… I need this today.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter tsccorp


    How do I get m money back! Check your refund policy, you all have not assisted me with anything. your responses are not o just because you are responding, Since using your system from what I already had in place, I’ve lost business, and what I was using before was all free thou it was several different establishments. thou the minute I thought I would get further with influence from your false advertising everything turned for the bad., Days in between support, no real support, and hopes for fixes in “next update” which is who knows… yeah I need my money back you can get this software back, It makes no sense for me to reprogram a paid for program, I’ll do that with the free programs…. i don’t want to go into the details or hear your “ok” phrases …”sorry this happen to you”, save that.. either fix the sound error or I just need my money back, some of your replies don’t even make sense, understand I’m trying to bare with you all but most of you all are doing this type of non sense.

    If when on the orders page, that “recent order” pop up shows every time, then it should sound alert EVERY TIME. plain as that, for a restaurant or café that shouldn’t even be a question, or an option… you wasted code asking if you want sound alert?

    Thread Starter tsccorp


    what is an order in a busy environment if your not notified when it’s placed, then you have customers pissed because the restaurant didn’t get the order, then the restaurant pissed at me because of the software…etc…

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    @tsccorp ”?I’m a paid customer”

    You’re using a commercial/premium plugin, so please use their official support channel. We feel they are best equipped to support their products.


    Commercial products are not supported in these forums: https://make.www.ads-software.com/support/trouble/section-1-getting-started/what-is-not-supported

    Note to @azamansagor as well: Please do not support premium/paid customers in the forums.

    Thread Starter tsccorp


    Understood, most definitely! Thou note how would that be different from saying wordpress shouldn’t support “premium/paid customers” type plugins regardless of being free or not.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by tsccorp.
    Thread Starter tsccorp


    wow-“Please do not support premium/paid customers in the forums.”

    Thread Starter tsccorp


    @sterndata, with all respect you shouldn’t even be a moderator here, again you didn’t offer a working solution other than going to their website… all of this and that… I installed the plugin thru wordpress, I’m communicating with someone on their behalf as I would with any other channel or form of communication. The benefits of correcting issues here is someone else could be experiencing the same issue will benefit vs the latter, wordpress offer free plugins from devs, and some of these devs plugins have “premium/paid” options, within this community (not for all), it should be different when finding a solution…, until the people who read the message think they know who wrote the message, then it’s … well they will…. in a community full of devs…

    @sterndata that wasn’t good moderation what you did there, not at all, based on how you are going about it, then any “non-commercial” plugin with options for premium shouldn’t be allowed in the whole repository at all. Thank you. but no thank you.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    wow-“Please do not support premium/paid customers in the forums.”

    That’s true and if the developer did support you, a paying customer, then they would get into real trouble and possibly have their free plugin on this site closed and removed.

    For pro or commercial product support please contact the developer directly on their site. This includes any pre-sales and refund topics as well.


    As the developer is aware, commercial products are not supported in these forums. I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there.

    @azamansagor If you support your customers on this site again you will be reported to the plugins team. Yes, I will be reviewing your plugin’s support topics. Do not support customers here again. Send them to your site and stop replying to that topic.

    This part is why the @tsccorp account is flagged and this topic is being closed to new replies.

    that wasn’t good moderation what you did there, not at all, based on how you are going about it, then any “non-commercial” plugin with options for premium shouldn’t be allowed in the whole repository at all. Thank you. but no thank you.

    Thank you but that’s enough.

    Anyone reading this topic understands that you are upset. We all get that. But Steve explained to you using generic and boiler plate verbiage. You chose to take umbrage at that.

    Again, that’s fine. But you don’t get to push that and that’s what you did. I’m closing this topic now. Please take up your complaint with the developer on their site.

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  • The topic ‘Live order sound’ is closed to new replies.