• Resolved ourlakeviewhaven



    My website is all of a sudden displaying certain images as square instead of round. I have disabled all plugins and did not find the issue there. I have not changed my theme since creating my website, so I do not believe that is the issue either.

    The page in question is “shop my favorites”. I have all images set to rounded
    and centered which show up fine in preview, but they show up square and oriented on the left hand side.

    Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @ourlakeviewhaven
    It looks as if you’re using a commercial theme (Genesis). If there are any problems with this theme, then you should probably ask the support function of your theme vendor.
    But still, a couple of things to try/check:
    – I can see in Developer tools / web console a notice “Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead.” So your theme or some plugin may be calling old code in the jQuery library.
    – There seems to be an incorrect inline gif specified, since I can see a failed GET request for https://[domain-name]/shop/shop-my-favorites/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
    Perhaps that’s your rounded corners?
    – You can try and temporarily inactivate various plugins in order to see if you’ve got a collision somewhere. If you want to try this without affecting the experience for your website visitors, then you could install https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/health-check/ and use its troubleshooting mode.

    Thread Starter ourlakeviewhaven


    Hi @tobifjellner, thank you so much for your help with this!

    I know this is going to sound silly, but is there any way to fix these issues without knowing much about coding? Or do you have any helpful resources where I could learn how to fix these issues?

    I was hoping it might be a simple fix, but I am very new to web design so I’m unsure where to start to try to fix this issue.

    I did download the Health Check plugin and disabled each plugin one by one in troubleshooting mode, but each time the images still appeared rounded, so I was unable to find an error there. The preview of the page when signed into wp-admin is totally fine, but when I log out, all images show square instead.

    Any further help or guidance would be so appreciated. I am very new to this and really want to understand how to fix these issues when they arise. Thank you again!

    I can see that the corresponding CSS classes for rounded corners. But your theme and your plugins never define for the browser what “rounded corners” mean.

    If you go to Appearance → Customize → Extra CSS, you can paste in the following:

    .is-style-rounded img {
        border-radius: 10%;

    This means that if there’s something (like a DIV) with the class is-style-rounded and there inside that thing is an IMG tag, then the formatting border-radius: 10%; should be applied. You can experiment with the number (or even with the unit, say px instead of % but I think a percentage is the best unit for this kind of thing.)

    Thread Starter ourlakeviewhaven


    Hi @tobifjellner, thank you again! I really appreciate you helping me out with this.

    I have added the additional CSS code and while it does work while logged into wp-admin, the images are still showing square when logged out. It is the strangest thing and I wish I could easily tell what is causing it. It’s odd that the images aren’t centered either as I have it set up in the blocks.

    Do you have any other ideas of things I could try? I have also tried clearing my browser/site cache, with no luck.

    Thank you again!

    Did you “publish” the changes you made in the Customizer?

    Also: Try to see if enabling the Gutenberg plugin would add the needed formats to your CSS.

    Hmm. I just did a “hard refresh” (Ctrl-F5) and then I got rounded images.

    Thread Starter ourlakeviewhaven


    Thank you so much @tobifjellner! It must have just taken awhile to load.

    My last question is- do you have any ideas on how to get the images to center now? I looked for CSS codes online and tried a couple of them but neither worked. I also downloaded the Gutenberg plugin to see if that would help but it didn’t fix the issue.

    Again, thanks so much!

    For that particular page I can make it work with

    .aligncenter.size-large {
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        width: 176px;

    But using this CSS-snippet may break stuff on other pages, if you’ve got smaller or bigger centered images with the same classes.

    Thread Starter ourlakeviewhaven


    Thank you again @tobifjellner, you have been so helpful! This worked and did not seem to cause any issues on other pages (as of right now). Really appreciate the time you took to help me out today!

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