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  • Plugin Author Expanded Fronts



    You should be able to do this by checking the box for “Automatically pull new commits” on the live site. Once you do, a new text field will appear with the Revisr Webhook. You’ll need to paste that URL into the Revisr Webhook URL field on dev, so it knows to trigger an update.

    You then also set dev to auto push to automate the process completely.

    Let me know if you have any questions, thanks!

    Thread Starter argent41


    Thanks for that, however after following those instructions I am still not able to see dev commits or sync the database on the live site.
    The only thing that is working for me is my GitHub account is reflecting changes I’m making on my dev site.

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts



    Do you get any errors when pulling in changes?

    Also, please paste in the debug info from the “Help” tab, as it can help to troubleshoot issues with configuration. Thanks!

    Thread Starter argent41


    Yes I am getting errors from the live site:
    “Error pulling changes from the remote repository.”
    and from the dev site:
    Error pushing changes to the remote repository. 3 hours ago
    Sent update request to the webhook. 3 hours ago
    Successfully pushed 1 commit to origin/master. 3 hours ago
    Committed #4d0c4c9 to the local repository. 3 hours ago

    From the dev site help tab:
    Operating System Darwin
    Exec() Enabled true
    Git Install Path /usr/bin/git
    Git Version git version 1.9.3 (Apple Git-50)
    MySQL Install Path Not Found
    File Permissions true
    Repository Path /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/impact-wrought-iron
    Repository Status Click here to view.

    From the live site help tab
    Operating System Linux
    Exec() Enabled true
    Git Install Path /usr/bin/git
    Git Version git version
    MySQL Install Path /usr/bin/mysql
    File Permissions true
    Repository Path /home/impact/www/temp
    Repository Status Click here to view.

    Can you also please advise how to populate the database fields so I can import and export from both dev and live?

    Really appreciate your help!

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts



    Can you please try out the version of Revisr downloadable here:

    This version passes the error from Git directly to Revisr for pushes and pulls.

    Also, for the DB backups, it looks like you just need to set the MySQL Install path on dev. If you’re using MAMP, the path suggested in the “Database” tab may work for you.

    Thread Starter argent41


    Followed your instructions but no luck unfortunately.

    I don’t know what the following means or how it could help me:
    “This version passes the error from Git directly to Revisr for pushes and pulls.”

    Short of step by step instructions, and your analysis of my particular settings I don’t know what else to do.

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts



    Sorry for not being more specific. Once you have the version above installed, try doing a pull and paste the error here. Thanks!

    Thread Starter argent41


    To my hosting support desk:

    “I don’t know if I have technically defined my problem accurately for the plugin’s support staff.
    My goal with this plugin is simple. I want to develop locally and have my local changes version controlled and implemented on a duplicate live site, whether that be via a remote GitHub account or simply using this Revisr plugin.

    I am not clear on the relationship with GitHub and the sureserver hosted website (which is a duplicate of my local development site) or if in fact there is any relationship.
    Perhaps you may be able to help by correctly forming some questions that I might ask support.
    I can provide screenshots, login credentials and a description of what I want to achieve, but I have no aptitude for highly technical programming tasks or the discrete contexts in which they are used.”

    Thread Starter argent41


    ‘Pull Changes’ using Quick Actions inside local site admin:
    Presuming we’re pulling down from remote, the following is the error message in Revisr Dashboard:
    fatal: No path specified. See ‘man git-pull’ for valid url syntax

    ‘Pull Changes’ using Quick Actions inside remote site admin:
    /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-setup: line 238: /bin/uname: Permission denied
    fatal: No path specified. See ‘man git-pull’ for valid url syntax

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts


    Thanks for the additional info.

    First, to answer your question on the relationship between GitHub and the website:

    Revisr is sort of a middleman between the two. With a “standard” configuration, when you push and pull in Revisr, you’re never actually pushing/pulling directly from/to your live site, instead you just push and pull from GitHub or BitBucket.

    But, Revisr is able to connect to/talk to other instances of Revisr, for example you can configure Revisr on your dev environment to notify Revisr on the live site when changes are pushed to GitHub so it can pull those changes.

    Now, onto the issue:

    It looks like the “Remote URL” field needs to be changed. If you’re using the HTTPS method to connect to GitHub, you’ll need to pass in the username/password like so:

    https://USERNAME:[email protected]/USERNAME/REPO_NAME.git

    Once you’ve done that, you should see a “Success” message appear next to the “Remote URL” field when you press tab or move the cursor outside of the field.

    Let me know if that helps out with your issue or if you have any questions. Thanks!

    Thread Starter argent41


    No, it’s still not playing!
    Revisr in dev site is successfully pushing commits to GitHub but the remote site is not reading the local database or accepting commits.
    Can I send you screenshots of my settings?

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts


    Sure, feel free to send an email with screenshots to [email protected] and we can troubleshoot further from there.

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