Live Traffic and Blocking list old interface
Is there an option to change Live Traffic & Blocking list interface to the previous version? Both are terrible now. Thank you.
I definitely agree. This looks like another case of developers having too much free time on their hands because their product was perfect to begin with.
Guys…. Hey Guys…. Try to look busy!!!
I agree.. Worst new interface ever. Looking pretty does not mean functional.
1. The usual links on addresses in Live traffic view to investigate/block networks directly are all gone,
2. When manually cut/pasting an IP into the now far-away Whois screen to get the full network (such as for AWS networks), there is still an option to block networks, but it seems non-functional. At least nothing gets listed.
3. The interface there lists that there are no current blocks at all, which I CERTAINLY HOPE IS A LIE, because otherwise your update just dumped my existing configuration over a long time into the toilet.
@drinxx, I agree. As I have stated to them before.
They have bugs hanging around here that could easily be fixed but are still open after a full 7 (seven) months, and which people are still complaining about, but instead apparently all resources are directed towards either more “scanning” (second tier security AFTER main security ring has already failed) or on “prettying up” or over-simplifying the interface, while simultaneously removing long-time features, such as IP/network blocking.Weird prioritization.
Terrible new interface. Live traffic used to be accessible, now it takes more clicks to get to it. The list looks terrible now. Bring back the old format!
I can’t even see where the traffic is coming from. The live stats used to say if it was google, facebook, etc..
I also can’t see the tail of the URL that they’re visiting.
I looked at it on mobile and it looked like a dogs breakfast.. the lines collapse in attempt to be responsive, making one visit take up like 20 lines. bizarre.
This feels like a sabotage from the inside, like a dev is going rogue and destroying it.. I’ll be switching to something else if this doesn’t get turned back to the original style.. and I shouldn’t have to click twice to get to the live stats! that takes much more time to access live stats now.
This plugin used to be PERFECT and now it’s a disaster.
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
@jmeow, I agree with you in general.
On the one topic of having to click twice to see Live stats:
On top of the Live Stats screen, click on the headline “Live Traffic Options”.
An options screen opens, where you at the bottom can select “Display top level Live Traffic menu option”. That will put Live Stats back on the outer menu where it used to be. Where it belongs.The “Blocking” screen has a similar option under “Blocking options”, where you can select to put it back on the outer menu where it should be.
Of course, putting the “Blocking” menu back, has little meaning, since it’s contents no longer works, as I mentioned in another topic. It no longer shows any of the established blocks. ??
I personally have no idea why anyone would make items harder to find and get to by stashing them several clicks away, when they were already easy to find. But thats me.
Someone obviously went overboard trying to make security “LOOK” simplistic for newbies by showing as little info as possible, but instead making life harder for everyone in the process. Same for all the various options that now have links scattered all over all screens so you have to remember how to get to the settings, instead of having them in one place. A nice single-entry settings/options screen.
If they wanted to fix the old, long options screen, a tabbed interface would have been perfect. Not these scattered entry points spread all over.One possibility that came to mind is that maybe very important developer left the team.. which would explain why an update makes everything so much worse. This scares me though, because we only see the problem reflected as a deteriorating UI.. but how about strong security? Are they using up-to-date methods in with their scans? Should I be worried about that? Most of us don’t see that layer of it because we’re blindly trusting it to protect our site.. I hope the devolving UI isn’t a sign of something worse going on under the hood.
I am not too worried about the file scans. That seems to be the only thing that has gotten any attention over the past year+. But file scans are second tier. You only need file scans to catch what manages to get past the first tier (core security blocking and tackling)
I am more worried over the multiple bugs (7+ months old now in table handling, Table schema, ..) that keep being left behind in the core. That is what made me stop recommending WordFence, and it could be an indication that the current developers are a little scared about touching the core-code, as most of that is original code. Original Mark Maunder stuff, I believe. (That “important developer” you mentioned)..
Maybe Mark needs to take some time off from “CEO” duties to fix that old code. ??But I don’t know.. Only guessing. Only they know what the thinking is behind leaving known code-bugs behind for months on end, while only spending time on wrapper (technically unimportant) functionality redesigns. Which now has introduced new bugs (like turning all my blocking configs invisible), in addition to the redesign itself being goofy.
They were obviously not very lucky with this new interface design, whomever they hired to do design it.
Some of the changes, such as spreading options and settings all over the place, are violently against long-time established common sense as you would find it in every PC app and WordPress stuff I use. And I use the whole series of Adobe Apps, Microsoft Apps, and have used and developed WordPress/Linux/Unix for many years.Every App I use usually use common sense. They have all the main app settings/preferences collected/set in one place, typically grouped, so people know instinctively where to find them, rather than having to hunt and peck around on every screen to find randomly named “Type-X options” or “page option” type links hidden at random locations on the various screens, so no one knows where to look/click on the screen without reading/scanning the whole page.
Some pages in the new design has BOTH type of option links in DIFFERENT places on a single page/tab.
How the heck is anyone to remember where to find a specific setting, when you have to click around all over multiple pages to find it’s current hiding place.You do not spread your configurations around all over every page like peanut butter on a sandwich, trying to hide from newbie users that Security plugins and their setup can be a serious and complicated business. That only makes both setup and support so much more difficult.
Only the most ignorant newbies of users would actually believe that “If I can’t find a complicated config screen with a lot of options, it must mean that this is simple stuff”.
Sorry.. Having been into security for a looong time, I know that it is not so. ??
And people that think security “must be simple” are the ones getting their sites infected and hacked. Repeatedly. ??Where IS the Live Traffic / ip blocking now? RIDICULOUS to move that out.
I agree with much of the comments on the new design.
By all means, make the dashboard cosmetically appealing and geared to the novice user, but all the functional, nuts and bolts stuff should have been retained.
Hell – stuff it in an Advanced tab where rookies never tread if you have to, but it really should have been left as it was – absolutely functional and reasonably cosmetic.
As it is right now, using the Live View is a chore, and some of the previous usefulness has been removed. It’s actually difficult to get the same info we had at a glance in the previous version, making managing client websites now that much harder.
@greyso, You can still block from the Live Traffic screen (sort of). But it is a couple of clicks away.
First you must click on the “Eye” symbol in the right-most column, to see the expanded info and menus for that access entry. (I actually like that expanded info popout.)
Then you also see “Block IP” (single IP) and “Run Whois” buttons show up.Since blocking single IPs is mostly a useless and idiotic endevour, to get to block a network (like killing off a server/cloud farm), you must then instead click “Run WhoIs” (the old direct link to Block network, doing the same, is gone). In the new Whois overlay that shows up, you can then choose to click “Block Network”, which throws you over on the new blocking screen, where you can fill out a template similar to (but different from) the old interface.
So you can get there, but it takes going through a full 3 new screen interfaces to get there.The blocking screen, however, has a serious bug in the new interface, in that at the bottom, where it is supposed to list the existing blocks, it always shows empty. Because of failing DB accesses (see below).
An empty table stating “No blocks are currently active”, is all it can manage. So you can see neither all the blocks that already existed, nor any new block you might be trying to save by clicking “Block visitors with this pattern”. The entry template just closes, and you have no idea whether your new block “took” (got saved) or not. (I would say that it likely silently fails.)Debug shows that just loading the blocking screen, 140+ DB queries are issued, where a full 105 (yes, one-hundred-and-five) DB queries are FAILING because WordFence cannot figure out it’s own table naming and location. The core code cannot “remember” where it put it’s global tables on install. Tries to look for them as blog-local, where they can NEVER be found..
It looks for the “Blocks” table with the blocking list under NO LESS THAN 2 DIFFERENT table NAMES, both of which are bogus, and always will be on any system. WordFence tables are ALWAYS network global (having no blog-number prefix). That is how they are created on the install. They are NEVER blog-local.
A new and even fancier example of the bug that has been left unfixed in the core for 7+ months. Trying to use get_blog_prefix(), (with multiple, differently numbered blog-prefixes no less) when it should not be. EVER.Someone that never use this interface in real, practical life obviously made up this new disaster of a “simplified” interface.
Sorry.. Making people click through three screens to get anywhere, and then not visibly saving their config data at all is not a modern “redesign”. It has only one name, “Bad”.. Managing hacker/spammer visitors is hard and time-consuming enough, without the plugin making it 10 times worse.
If a change should have been done, it should have been to keep a “block network” link, that through a quick Whois overlay allowed a direct and QUICK blocking.That would have meant 2 clicks TOTAL, a network was blocked, the overlay closes, and you would be back on the Live Stats screen in the position you left. To continue in your quest to thwart bad guys. As it is now, you are left on the (empty) Blocking screen and have to restart all over. Back to find the Live Traffic screen, scrolling down through EVERYTHING again, not knowing how many of those bad accesses you already tried to block.
User interface changes in management screens should be to make site-mgmt easier.
Not to make it much more complicated to do such basic things.A sampling of failing queries. This is from opening the “Firewall” tab.
Notice that it tries to access tables with both “pref_0_” and “pref_1_” table prefixes.
None of which can ever exist, since all WordFence tables are installed (hard-coded) with only a “pref_” prefix. No numbers involved.Notice, this is on a CLEAN install.. Having no missing numbered blogs, and with the Network (controlling site) being the FIRST site in the system.
BTW. Very inefficient query usage.. Repeating the same queries over and over.
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 WHERE type IN (4) AND (expiration = 0 OR expiration > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY blockedTime DESC Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 WHERE type IN (3) AND (expiration = 0 OR expiration > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY blockedTime DESC Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 WHERE type IN (1, 8, 9, 2, 5, 6) AND (expiration = 0 OR expiration > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY blockedTime DESC Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 WHERE type IN (7) AND (expiration = 0 OR expiration > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY blockedTime DESC Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 WHERE type IN (4) AND (expiration = 0 OR expiration > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY blockedTime DESC Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 WHERE type IN (3) AND (expiration = 0 OR expiration > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY blockedTime DESC Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM pref_0_wfNotifications WHERE new = 1 AND ctime > 0 ORDER BY priority ASC, ctime DESC Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfNotifications' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM pref_0_wfNotifications WHERE new = 1 AND ctime > 0 ORDER BY priority ASC, ctime DESC Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfNotifications' doesn't exist SELECT *, SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 1 day)) / 86400) GROUP BY IP ORDER BY blockCount DESC LIMIT 100 Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT *, SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 7 day)) / 86400) GROUP BY IP ORDER BY blockCount DESC LIMIT 100 Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT *, SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 30 day)) / 86400) GROUP BY IP ORDER BY blockCount DESC LIMIT 100 Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 WHERE type IN (4) AND (expiration = 0 OR expiration > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY blockedTime DESC Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM 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'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM pref_0_wfBlocks7 Table 'DBNAME.pref_0_wfBlocks7' doesn't exist SELECT SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 1 day)) / 86400) AND blockType IN ("fakegoogle", "badpost", "country", "advanced", "waf") Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 7 day)) / 86400) AND blockType IN ("fakegoogle", "badpost", "country", "advanced", "waf") Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 30 day)) / 86400) AND blockType IN ("fakegoogle", "badpost", "country", "advanced", "waf") Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 1 day)) / 86400) AND blockType IN ("throttle", "brute") Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 7 day)) / 86400) AND blockType IN ("throttle", "brute") Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 30 day)) / 86400) AND blockType IN ("throttle", "brute") Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 1 day)) / 86400) AND blockType IN ("blacklist", "manual") Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 7 day)) / 86400) AND blockType IN ("blacklist", "manual") Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist SELECT SUM(blockCount) as blockCount FROM pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday >= FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 30 day)) / 86400) AND blockType IN ("blacklist", "manual") Table 'DBNAME.pref_1_wfBlockedIPLog' doesn't exist
Hi All!
There is no option to revert some sections for specific to an older version while keeping the rest of the new version running on your website, I’ve read all your posts in this thread and thanks for your feedback, however we would appreciate listening to any other feedback you have through the dedicated channel for that which is sending them to “feedback [at] wordfence [dot] com”.I’ll list some tips in points that I see it should be helpful for you all:
– Live Traffic: there is an option to show it as a menu item under Wordfence in the sidebar menu, you can enable that from (Wordfence > Tools > Live Traffic > Live Traffic Options > Display top level Live Traffic menu option).
– You can see detailed Live Traffic entries by default after enabling “Always display expanded Live Traffic records” option under (Wordfence > Live Traffic > Live Traffic Options).
– Whois is still there under (Wordfence > Tools > Whois Lookup) and when a network is blocked there, it will take you to the (Wordfence > Firewall > Blocking) page, on the “Custom Pattern” tab to enter a specific reason for this block before blocking it.
– You can block a whole network by running a whois lookup directly from the Live Traffic as well.@crudhunter it will be easier to follow up with your issue on that other thread you created.
AT LEAST the original Blocking list should be restored because right now is useless.
Just an update: I did a rollback (using “WP Rollback” plugin) and everything is nice and sweet again.
For reference:
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
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