• ResolvedPlugin Author Optimizing Matters


    I’ll document confirmed bugs here the next couple of days.

    First one;
    -> problem: images referenced in CSS not translated to correct path, leading to 404’s
    -> fix; open wp-content/autoptimize/classes/autoptimizeStyles.php and on line 6 replace
    const ASSETS_REGEX = '/url\s*\(\s*(?!["\']?data:)(?![\'|\"]?[\#|\%|])([^)]+)\s*\)([^;},]*)/i';
    const ASSETS_REGEX = '/url\s*\(\s*(?!["\']?data:)(?![\'|\"]?[\#|\%|])([^)]+)\s*\)([^;},]*)/iU';
    (so adding capital U to make the regex ungreedy)

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  • I think I figured out what was causing the issue.

    I did what you suggested and tried disabling JS optimization and it seemed to fix it. Then I re-enabled it and disabled CSS optimization and it didn’t fix it, so I knew it was related to my JS optimization options.

    So I tried unchecking “add try-catch wrapping?” and it seemed to fix both issues.

    Then I went even further and tried unchecking both the other checkboxes (Force JavaScript in <head> & Also aggregate inline JS?) and it only broke the WooCommerce Price Filter, my Live Composer pages still worked.

    Lastly I re-checked “Load JavaScript early” and everything seems to work. But it comes at a cost to my GTmetrix PageSpeed grade. It caused it to go down 10% from an A to a B…

    This explains why it was not an issue with my other site because my other site has all the JavaScript options unchecked except for the main one that says “Optimize JavaScript Code?”

    I’m guessing a WooCommerce Product Price filter wouldn’t look right on that site either, I just don’t use one on that site.

    Is there any way I can use the new version of the plugin without anything breaking and without lowering my PageSpeed grade?


    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    well, *something* (maybe not booster pack) is adding this to your HTML;

    <!-- CSS to footer: enabled -->

    so that is what is causing the FOUC and what is probably killing AO’s “inline & defer”

    You were right, I disabled the css to footer section in my functions:

    View post on imgur.com

    And enabled inline and defer css but style were not ok, I guess I have to get my developer look at it ??

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    @repenter; well your FOUC should be gone now at least. if you can reenable “inline & defer” for a couple of minutes, I’d be happy to have a look at what is going wrong myself.

    @@marketing2; what JS do you see when JS is not forced in head?

    Not sure what you mean by “What kind of JS do you see” but I unchecked “Forced in Head” if you want to take a look at https://b2bvapors2011.staging.wpengine.com/product-category/accessories/

    Notice how messed up the Filter by Price widget looks with it unchecked?

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    @marketing2: looking ??

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    @marketing; can you try adding js/frontend/price-slider.min.js and/or js/jquery/ui to the JS optimization list?

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    OK, just pushed out 2.2.1 with the following fixes:
    * 404 on images in CSS in some (rare) cases
    * PHP error on dontmove not being an array on PHP 7.1
    * cache-size issues (rare in 2.2, but very real in 2.1.1) due to security hash being based on a timestamp resulting in AO never finding a file in cache

    I’ll follow up closely here on the forum and will look into each and every bug-report. 2.2.2 will follow soon if needed.

    but now; getting some sleep ??

    Adding js/frontend/price-slider.min.js fixed my Price Filter widget and adding js/jquery/ui fixed another issue with the products on my archive page starting in a odd location.

    But I am still having trouble getting my GTmetrix grades back to what they were before the update.


    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    cfr. https://gtmetrix.com/compare/TDTDSRBS/Fozs1q5H/I9oxUZSm you’re getting closer ??

    the main drop is in pagespeed and inside pagespeed the main problem is “Serve resources from a consistent URL” with 2 webfont files being loaded that *could* be the same;


    the problem is; you have your theme and a plugin both loading fontawesome-webfont.woff2 but both from their own directories which indeed probably is redundant. but; this is not something AO ever did anything about really. I have no idea why the first test does not complain about that ..

    I always had that issue, that is not related to the AO update. I ended up getting it pretty close to what it was, thanks for all your help.

    Hi again ??

    Ok, I tested again. In 1.9.4 everything is ok, when I update the plugin all css styles break.

    my settings on 1.9.4:

    View post on imgur.com

    styles break with new version:

    View post on imgur.com

    I can also provide login credentials if you want.

    If it was something wrong on my side, so I should have problem also on 1.9.4. So I guess it’s a bug in new version.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Amir.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Amir.
    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    between 1.9.4 and 2.2.1 there have been a lot of other versions, have you stayed on 1.9.4 all that time? in order to know where to start looking, you should really update version by version to see when it breaks exactly;

    https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/autoptimize.2.1.0.zip -> previous stable release for 6 months
    https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/autoptimize.2.1.2.zip -> previous stable + security fix
    https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/autoptimize.2.2.1.zip -> most recent stable release


    Ok Frank, I tested again and here is the result:

    on 2.1.2 works and everything is ok
    on 2.2.0 css broke

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Amir.
    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    ok, can you now try if disabling the (new) speedupper logic fixes things (cfr. FAQ);


    (you could add this to your child theme’s functions.php or -better- use the code snippets plugin to add it)

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