• aeryn


    Does LivePress work with 1.5? Or do I need to wait for new update? Thanks.

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  • I finally got this to work for me. After trying so many things I finally got it to work with a few simple steps and only having to manually change one file. These are the steps I followed to get it to work for me. I have tried it on four different journals following the same steps and it works on all of them. I am using on two of them and on two of them. They are all using different themes.

    This is for a new/clean install. If you have previously installed the plugin, delete it and make sure no trace of it is on the plugin list.

    I downloaded the following file and unzipped it to the folder I use for working on files.

    Before uploading I changed the lpsynch.config.php so that it contained the usedid and password for my account and also the allowed users. The directions are pretty clear. There are two line to change.

    It is important to make this change before uploading any of the plugin files so that it calls the right information first thing. I was getting errors if I uploaded the files first and then tried to change them.

    I uploaded the LivePress file “as is”. The whole LivePress folder (not the LivePress 1.5.1, but the LivePress folder containd within) went under Plugins without moving any files or changing any paths.

    I overwrote the class-IXR.php that was already in the wp-includes file with the one that is in the LivePress folder.

    I activated the plugin. There was only one option. Not a list of them.

    If everything went correctly you won’t get any errors. Then when you go to Write there should be additional information concerning LJ functions. Mood, music, icon, security lever, etc. Make sure the synch box is checked. Make your entry and publish.

    And just a note because I don’t know how it should work but I have found that I have to go into manage and then select the post to edit to get it to post. I don’t have to change anything, just pull it up and hit save. Then it posts right away. Other than that I was waiting and waiting. This might be an actual problem but since it only takes me 30 seconds to correct I’m not going to worry about it. Having gotten as far as I did made me happy.

    Hmmm. I get no errors. But I only get the moods and music boxes in the “Write” page. No synch box, no security level, no icon.

    skleslie, I just did everything you said and used the files you posted with a total re-install and I still get the same thing DarkEstablishment is getting. Mood, music, no synch button or security level, no icon.

    ?? I don’t understand why it doesn’t work for some of us, but it does for others!

    I don’t know either. I’m sorry it didn’t work for others. I wonder if existing plugins could have anything to do with it. Creating an unseen conflict or something. I will admit that I don’t have many plugins installed. more-smilies, wp-grins and wordspew are all I have and that is only on one blog out of the four.

    Brandice, I get that when I leave the allowlist blank rather than typing in specific users. However, when I do type in specific users (in my case just ‘admin’) I get these errors:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/j/jasminemanet/htdocs/friedapplepie/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 141

    Warning: array_values(): The argument should be an array in /www/j/jasminemanet/htdocs/friedapplepie/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 164

    Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /www/j/jasminemanet/htdocs/friedapplepie/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 12

    My allow list has only “admin”, and since I figured that out, I havent’ had any errors, just no synching. I’m going to look at my plugins and see if I’ve overloaded on them…

    Now I get these errors (which I suppose is progress):

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/penda/public_html/diner/wp-content/plugins/
    LivePress/lpextras.php on line 141

    Synch Journal: Journal to Post to:
    Warning: array_values(): The argument should be an array in /home/penda/public_html/diner/wp-content/plugins/
    LivePress/lpextras.php on line 164

    Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/penda/public_html/diner/wp-content/plugins/
    LivePress/lpextras.php on line 12

    Well, great. Now we all get the same error. I guess that’s progress. If someone solves it, we’ll all have a working plugin…

    A version of LivePress is under development….if someone wants to pay for me to take a few days off from work, it’ll be done soon….

    Otherwise, it will be done, probably byu the early part of Aug. as I have a vacation upcoming ??

    I am trying to get a working version out the door as soon as possible, I proimise.

    Holy crap, unteins. Thank you for undergoing and snagging the project. I know there’s courtesy amongst plugin developers and whatnot, but it was going nowhere.. fast! And that’s not a way to handle a VERY useful plugin. PLEASE make this so you can set up LivePress with JUST a few mouseclicks!

    All is appreciated.

    I’m still having issues with this. I’ve tried all the recommended steps including the longer how-to above, but still receive this error.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: utf8_encode() in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 93

    It’s the same I’ve always gotten. Tried disabling my one other plugin (croissanga) but am still having issues. Anyone had the lpextras.php error and know what’s causing it or how to get around it?

    Well, after AGES of messing with it I got this thing to work. (I downloaded the updated one from Every Tomorrow. Make sure to replace the class-IXR file on your web directory with the one that came with the plugin. I don’t know why but for some reason that made it work. Also, when you fill out the ljsynch-config.php file make sure you don’t leave an empty string for allowed users… even if you’re the only user on the blog put ‘admin’… for some reason if I left an empty string it didn’t work).

    But I have a slight but nonetheless irritating issue… for some reason my mood icons aren’t showing up on my blog (I have a custom mood theme on LJ). When I was running Livepress on 1.2 they showed up. I know that is a really stupid thing to fixate on, but… I kinda like my mood theme. :/

    Anyway, if anyone has had this problem or knows how to fix it, please let me know!

    BTW, the blog is here: https://splintered-dreams.com/blog Link to my LJ is on the sidebar.

    Sorry for the double post, but I figured it out. If I may make a suggestion, could you include a moodlist.txt file that lists every mood instead of just the inherited ones? I had to edit it all by hand. Maybe another moodlist file could be included for people who use custom mood themes?

    Also, for the mood theme name I had to put the name of the folder in my photobucket instead of the name of the theme on my LJ mood theme list… that confused me. So if anyone else has this problem that might be why.

    Or maybe I’m just stupid. I am blonde, after all.

    I hate that there’s this useful plugin that’s been released and it’s not being supported BY ANYONE.

    I have uninstalled it, reinstalled it, moved crap around, overwritten files, I have folled instructions to the letter and still NOTHING.

    I have noticed that when I uninstall the plugin and delete it from my server, I still have LivePress pulldowns (unt_lj_entry, unt_lj_error, unt_lj_securitylevel, unt_lj_synch, unt_lj_usernamel, unt_lj_moodid) in my Custom field area, even after I overwrite the class-IXR file with the original.

    Does this have anything to do with the errors we’re getting?

    I adora this plugin and have it working perfectly on several sites still on WP 1.5. However, on the one site I have using WP, I get the following error on the top of every page so long as the plugin is active:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:51) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-admin/admin.php on line 6

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:51) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-admin/admin.php on line 7

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:51) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-admin/admin.php on line 8

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:51) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-admin/admin.php on line 9

    I’ve tried every suggestion given above. I’m using the updated version from everytomorrow.org I’ve just about run out of ideas. This only happens with LivePress activated. It’s not too much of an issue as long as I’m logged in. Everything else still works. But if I clear my cookies or logout, I get the following variation and no login fields:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:52) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-login.php on line 7

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:52) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-login.php on line 8

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:52) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-login.php on line 9

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:52) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-login.php on line 10

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:52) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-login.php on line 11

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpsynch.config.php:52) in /home/esoteric/public_html/blogathon/wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 129

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