• I had Livepress working fine in 1.5 but after upgrading to 1.5.1 I get the following error.

    Fatal error: Unknown function: get_currentuserinfo() in /home3/trench/public_html/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 93

    I am mostly php illiterate so if somebody could help me I’d be grateful.

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  • Now, I’ve had a little time to try out several different solutions including nikkiana’s, and I’ve had no luck.

    The oddest part of this is that I get no error messages returned, but I also do not have the unt_lj_entry custom field shown as used, and in the field that the plug-in added called “Livejournal Entry: ” it is blank after I save and publish the entry.

    I’m pretty much lost here if I can’t even get an error message to start debugging, so I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas at all where to start looking after I’ve double and tripple checked my configuration for synching?

    I’ve been trying to get it working on my sister’s and my sites. I’ve tried the versions nikkiana and Kafkaesqui posted, but it still doesn’t work. Right now I’m sitting on the version I downloaded from nikkiana’s site. I’ve tried moving the folder every which way, I’ve tried editing files, I’ve checked and doublechecked my settings in ljsynch.config — nothing works.

    Actually, I shouldn’t say that. I briefly had it looking like it might want to work. I had some of the drop down menus showing, surrounded by errors in various lines of ljextras.php. It wouldn’t post to my LJ, but it at least looked partially alive.

    Now it won’t even show those or even the unt_lj_entry error and I can’t seem to duplicate whatever I did that suddenly caused it to show everything again.

    Only thing that does work right now is the mood plugin, which just gives me a faster way to set my mood than my custom mood button in the Quicktags. =P

    Site: https://jasson.lunaescence.com
    LJ: https://livejournal.com/~marohi

    EDIT: I gave up and started getting ready for class, so I changed my lj password inside ljsynch.config to some meaningless garbage. Suddenly, I have this: https://jasson.lunaescence.com/img/huh.png

    Any ideas?

    Nevermind, it suddenly decided to work for me once I changed my password back. =P

    I will upgrade my main blog and fix Live Press…..

    Sorry for the delay, I have been trying to get my blogs in order before doing it, but looks like it is tiem to get to work.

    Hurry! I’m going nuts! I had it almost working without the 1.5.1 version with just the 1.5-fix…it looked good..had the menus, etc… but then didn’t actually update LJ

    I somehow got it working (don’t ask me how since I’m not sure) but it only works with one LJ. If I add an additional LJ I get an error in

    I did this, and now it just times out but it seems to be doing a bit more:

    Add to LivePress.php



    and do that $_server…. for all the entries

    I want to try the suggestion that Jenn made of copying the functions from pluggable-function.php to functions.php but I don’t know how much of the code to copy….

    Can anyone show exactly what should be put into the functions.php file and where?

    Has anyone gotten this to work recently? I haven’t. ??

    Any chance for an updated plugin anytime soon?

    I got livepress working on my site yesterday – I’d been making one little error that screwed everything up: when I moved the LivePress folder to wp-content, I didn’t update the file paths properly in livepress.php in the plugins folder. *duh idiot boy*

    anyways, now I have a question. My Blog uses the UTF-8 character encoding, whereas I think my LJ uses ISO and doesn’t like international characters when I change it.. . thus I get lots of strange characters every time LivePress sends a post to LJ. even an apostraphy is converted to gibberish. any idea what I should do?

    I got it working using the updated file

    check out the post on my blog for the step by step

    I have been trying to get LivePress to work for over a year now. I couldnt get it to work in 1.2 either ?? I’m now on 1.5.1. I’ve tried the instructions here :


    I’ve tried downloading the hacked version here :


    And installing fresh. My ljsynch.config.php has my lj info in it, the class-IXR.php is in my wp-includes folder (overwrote the old one), my paths in LivePress.php are updated.

    And still, on my post page, I’m getting a string of errors in the lj section.

    Warning: array_values(): The argument should be an array in /home/u3/indigohat/html/blog/wp/wp-content/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 130

    Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/u3/indigohat/html/blog/wp/wp-content/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 23
    User Pic: Security Level:

    Synch Journal: Journal to Post to:
    Warning: array_values(): The argument should be an array in /home/u3/indigohat/html/blog/wp/wp-content/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 177

    Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/u3/indigohat/html/blog/wp/wp-content/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 23

    I even tried removing the call to pextras altogether and using custom fields only – but the post never goes to livejournal so something has to be screwy somewhere. I know it’s got to be something stupid I’m overlooking. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Ah hah! With enough digging, I found two requires.. one in lpextras.php and one in lpsynch.php for class-IXR.php. Because my plugin files are not where the plugin originally intended, those paths have to be updated to reflect the actual location of class-IXR.php. So find the line that says :


    and change it to reflect the actual path. That gets rid of the errors on the post page in my previous post.

    HOWEVER, although with all of that done, and the plugin appears to be functioning, I’m getting :

    -32300 : transport error – could not open socket

    in the unt_lj_error custom field. What the heck does that mean and how do I fix it.. any ideas?

    I got it working with the download from

    BUT now I’m having trouble getting it to move the mood/music above the entry, and I’m trying to figure out how to use a mood icon set other than the yellow smiley. Any ideas?

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