The LMS Manager role is, essentially, a site administrator with access outside the LMS restricted (an LMS Manager cannot manage plugins or themes, for example).
Aside from these restrictions, they can do nearly everything else an administrator can and that does include deleting admins and modifying the user information for admins.
I can see how this could be jarring functionality however we released the LMS Manager role nearly 2 years ago and I haven’t had any feedback like this yet so while I understand your issues here I cannot simply change the behavior.
That said, there’s a great plugin — https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/capability-manager-enhanced/ — you can use to modify the capabilities of all the roles on your site. Simply remove the edit_users
and delete_users
capabilities from the LMS Manager role and your LMS Manager will no longer be able to delete you or change your account info.
Unfortunately this plugin will not allow you to define a hierarchy though. It’ll require custom code to make it so that an LMS Manager can manage “lower” roles but not “higher” roles.
However, as you’ve stated that this LMS Manager on your site is one of your teachers, perhaps the built-in Instructor role may be better suited for your needs?
This role will not have access to edit other users (except their assistant users).
Let me know if this help,