No, you don’t. ??
This add-on is 100% GDPR safe. Unlike Google Maps, who (as a commercial advertising company) always want the current location of the person viewing the map, even though no directions have been requested.
OpenStreetMap is 100% Open Source. There is no-one at their end requesting or saving any info. The map coordinates of your event location are stored in your server’s database when you create a new Events Manager location.
Fetching the map in the Front-End works like this:
A vistor visits a page with a map. Your server then requests only the map tiles required to display the map at the pre-set zoom level by sending only the saved coordinates. Again, no personal data is being shared at all.
The only thing that is shared is your personal OpenCage API key (in your plugin settings) when an Admin is creating a new Location and only once when he clicks the “Look Up Address” button.
The API is required to get access to the OpenCage server and their geocoding info (address to coordinates).
They also check if you do not go over your free limit of 2500 API calls per day. So, if you do not create 2500 new EM locations every day, you should more than okay.
That is also why I took out the “live” search as native to Events Manager using Google Maps. Each keystroke in an address triggers a new API call (costs one credit). Filling out the address as much as you can and then click on the search button, uses just 1 API call (credit) with EM – OpenStreetMaps.