I would be interested in this as well.
It seems like this does the same thing as these 2 plugins:
The first one seems to integrate all available image sizes into the img tag, serving the most appropriate image to the device.
The latter creates extra x2 sizes for each specified image size and serves the 2x version to retina devices.
I have no idea how BJLazy load does it (for instance what if no 2x image of a full size image is available?)
However, the weird thing for me would be the combination of both principles. Like many mobile devices these days are retina but still have small screensize and possibly bad connection. So we would need to save on image size AND display 2x images at the same time which seems contradicting to me. No idea how to solve that really….
Maybe BJ can explain a bit …
Anyway, since I am using Cloudflare I am not allowed to test the last 2 options anyway atm. I hope that changes soon ??