load-styles and load-scripts missing a nonce
Hi all,
First post, so please be gentle.
I’m trying to harden our wordpress setup and for that I’m implementing a somewhat strict CSP. I wrote an mu-plugin that generates a nonce once per request, adds it to a HTTP header, then intercepts all script, style and link tags coming out of script_loader_tag and style_loader_tag and adds the nonce to them. However, and despite seeing the nonce in every tag that should have one when I curl the wp-login and wp-admin pages, when I view them in the browser I see a few scripts without nonces. Most notably, <link> tag that references load-styles.php (both wp-login and wp-admin) and the <script> tag calling load-scripts.php (only on wp-login, it has the nonce in wp-admin).
My CSP is as follows:
default-src 'self' https:;
script-src 'self' 'nonce-$nonce' 'strict-dynamic' https:;
style-src 'self' 'nonce-$nonce' https:;
font-src 'self' https:;
img-src 'self' https:;
frame-src 'self' https:;
worker-src 'self' blob:;
script-src-attr 'self';
style-src-attr 'self';
frame-ancestors 'none';Am I just being too ambitious in my policy? Or is there something I can do? Preferably without having to modify WP core files and plugin files everytime there is an update, of course ??
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