Adding the above only effects the plugin options page. However, the front-end display is not effected.
The default behavior at the moment is:
- Using Insert Reading Time before content / excerpt:
Use strings for label/postfix entered on option page (i.e. one language only)
- Using shortcode:
Display the number only
[rt_reading_time label=”” postfix=”” postfix_singular=""]
Display the number only
[rt_reading_time label=”Reading Time:” postfix=”minutes” postfix_singular="minute"]
Use strings as entered in shortcode (one language only)
In what scenario are the default translated strings supposed to display? I realize that translating any custom strings entered on the options page would require integration of WPML’s icl_register_string, for example, but there should be a way of showing the default non-English strings.
Perhaps, using shortcode:
Display the default strings in active language
[rt_reading_time label=”” postfix=”” postfix_singular=""]
Display the number only
[rt_reading_time label=”Reading Time:” postfix=”minutes” postfix_singular="minute"]
Use strings as entered in shortcode (one language only)