• Resolved Borise Be


    I’m setting up an online store using WP E-Commerce. One of the payment options is PayPal Standard.
    The prices in the store are in Bulgarian Leva (BGN) that is not supported in PayPal so it has to be converted in EURO or USD.

    For example:
    I buy a t-shirt that costs BGN 49 which is appr. USD 32. When choosing to pay with PayPal it transfer the amount to PayPal but it transfers it as USD 49 which is not right.

    How to make it right? Any suggestions? It has to do something with the database or the currency convertor…


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  • Plugin Author Justin Sainton


    Hi codeb,

    A few things:

    1) In your Settings > Store > Payments settings area, under the PayPal Standard Settings, be sure this is set up properly: https://cl.ly/image/113d2D2e1y1L

    2) In your Settings > Store > General area, be sure you’ve set Base Country/Region to Bulgaria, and Currency Type to Bulgarian Lev

    That should be all that is necessary. Here are some screenshots:

    In the cart: https://cl.ly/image/3G2k1E2o2z0m

    At PayPal after clicking Purchase: https://cl.ly/image/3O31452Q2007

    Hope that all helps!

    Thread Starter Borise Be


    Hey Justin,
    thanks for the replay but unfortunately my PayPal Standard Payments settings do not have the options shown in your first screenshot which means that there is some kind of trouble with the currency convertor or something.

    Here are the screenshots:
    Store -> General Settings: https://tinypic.com/r/24b3o2b/8
    Store -> Payments Settings -> Paypal Standard Settings: https://tinypic.com/r/v6nq78/8

    Thread Starter Borise Be


    Ops! I figured it out!
    It was due to the Currency Symbol Plugin that I used to show the currency in the store as ЛВ. (it is the cyrillic symbol for BGN) instead of BGN. I removed it. Deactivated and reactivated WP E-Commerce plugin and everything was OK.

    It is not such a big deal if the prices in the store are shown as 49 BGN, but if there is a save way to convert the symbol from BGN to ЛВ. only for the front-end it would be highly appreciated to share it!




    Greta to hear you found the reason.


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