• I am trying to install WordPress 2.7 running a local Apache server built with EasyPHP. I use this installation for development porpuses only and it has always worked until version 2.6.5

    After configuring and installing the database via wp-admin/install.php, I can’t access no other page. Wp-login.php becomes a blank page and so does the root directory.

    I’ve tried it in Google Chrome, Flock, IE7, FF2. And haven’t got any luck with these browsers.

    What could possibly be the problem? Thanks in advance…

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  • use error logging.

    Anonymous User


    I have various versions of WordPress running on 2 different version of easyphp with no problem here.

    I’d suggest you check that all the wordpress files were correctly copied to your www (htdocs or whatever) correctly.

    I have this exact same problem on 2 computers using the latest EasyPHP running on Vista 32bit and 64bit and WP2.7. The previous version worked fine but for some reason, 2.7 seems to time out for some reason. This happens even when looking at a regular (non-admin) page. I tried upgrading to 2.7 as well as a clean new install with the same results.

    Interestingly, the same files when uploaded to my real servers work fine, and am having this problem ONLY on my local computers running EasyPHP.

    To ELFIN (last poster), what version of EasyPHP are you running? Also what OS and WP versions? I’ll try to duplicate your setup and hopefully it’ll work.

    CORRECTION: After checking the EasyPHP website, I realized that I am running the previous version and not 3.0. I’ll try again with 3.0 and see if that changes anything and report back here.

    After turning on debug, I figured out that it was timing out on trying to open a stream. The warning and error produced was (URL’s shortened):

    Warning: fopen(https://localhost/beta/wp-cron.php?check=cb7fcb14031d19ae88b73845b3b2e3ef) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. in C:\Users\Z\Documents\My Web Sites\wp-includes\http.php on line 783
    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\Users\Z\Documents\My Web Sites\wp-includes\http.php on line 783

    I’ll keep digging a little more.

    After more digging, this is what I’ve come up with.

    Under Windows XP SP3, WP 2.7 and EasyPHP 3.0, everything works without any errors.

    Under Vista SP1 32bit, WP 2.7 and EasyPHP 3.0, it works but you will get the following error at the top of your pages (this is without DEBUG on):
    Warning: fopen(https://localhost/beta/wp-cron.php?check=57f2a55d70fa1b11d1b9c14d730c0b0f) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. in C:\Users\Z\Documents\My Web Sites\wp-includes\http.php on line 783

    Under Vista SP1 64bit, WP 2.7 and EasyPHP 3.0, you get the same error but there will be a very long delay (probably 30+ seconds) before you see anything on the screen.

    I guess I need to find a way to dual boot XP on my computer.

    here another victim of this really strange behaviour.
    never saw anything like it.
    maybe we should use xamp instead of easyphp.

    Anonymous User


    I’m still using older version, hadn’t realised easyphp 3 was out.

    Yes with WP2.7 there was a definite slow down locally, but after the initial timeout everything works fine. If easyphp3 is causing a problem, try using version 2, it might help.

    which version do you use?
    i use 2.0b1 with vista. never had a problem with other php/sql sites before.
    but i cannot even make a new post. sometimes suddenly it works but most of the time i get a blank page after a minute……
    as i understand it is the same with version 3..

    Anonymous User


    generally I use easyphp 1.8, with occasional tests via easyphp2.

    apache + easyPHP + vista + wordpress 2.7 (en espa?ol)

    la SOLUCIóN es:

    substituir: fopen($url, ‘r’, false, $context);
    por: fopen($url, ‘rb’, false, $context);


    sorry, se me olvidaba…

    hacer los cambios en http.php

    Previously, I stated that I had DEBUG off, which was not correct. In all versions, I had the following code added to wp-config.php:

    define('WP_DEBUG', true);

    Without the last line, the code simply times out with a blank screen.

    I tried adding the “binary” to the fopen as per solomenu’s suggestion and found the same results as before.

    I have come up with a working solution to this problem. I would appreciate anybody else having the problem posting here if this works for them as well.

    You must replace /wp-includes/cron.php with the previous version (WordPress 2.6.3) and the problem will go away. Only replace that one file. No other changes are needed.

    I have not figured out why 2.7 works in XP but not Vista. I’m guessing that there’s a setting in Vista that needs to be changed (e.g. Firewall, UAC, virus protection) to make this work but have not been able to solve it that way.

    I noticed the version in WordPress 2.7 does not contain the following code that is in 2.6.3:

    if ($parts['scheme'] == 'https') {
    		// support for SSL was added in 4.3.0
    		if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0', '>=') && function_exists('openssl_open')) {
    			$port = isset($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : 443;
    			$argyle = @fsockopen('ssl://' . $parts['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 0.01);
    		} else {
    			return false;
    	} else {
    		$port = isset($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : 80;
    		$argyle = @ fsockopen( $parts['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 0.01 );

    I don’t know if this has anything to do with it, but that’s just one difference.


    Nice work – I’ll confirm that this solved the problem – I experienced the exact same thing (on Vista 32bit SP1).

    I can now long into Admin.

    The problem I am still encountering is that I get a blank page when trying to open index.php from the root directory. The debug output is below. Anyone have any ideas? I can’t seem to remove them from within the Admin console. I did copy the database from a host site to a local system so perhaps the database got screwed up? Anyone know what settings one should copy when backing up a database?

    Notice: Undefined index: rate in \plugins\wp-postratings\wp-postratings.php on line 559

    Notice: Undefined index: pid in \plugins\wp-postratings\wp-postratings.php on line 560

    Notice: Undefined index: postviews_id in \plugins\wp-postviews\wp-postviews.php on line 536


    Looks like you need to turn off your ratings plugin but not sure why you’d get an error there. Maybe this plugin is not compatible to 2.7. I’d suggest you turn off ALL your plugins before you upgrade to 2.7 (probably too late).

    I’m glad the other fix worked for you. I was scratching my head for weeks on that one.

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