• I’m going to be getting back into doing some wordpress based sites, and I’ve noticed people recommending a local installation. As I’m on a mac, that would pretty much have to be with MAMP afaik.. Just wondering if you guys would recommend working this way? This is work for clients, so having it online in some preview area would be useful, but I imagine local hosting means it’s much quicker to preview etc? How easy is it to get it from local to the intarweb?
    (i have hosting through dreamhost so i can easily 1 click install something but i dunno about a site that’s already been created locally, but i’m guessing that’d be built into mamp..?..)
    Just a little clueless about the whole process.. sorry!

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  • MAMP should be fine for development. Whatever you customize on the WP site on your own computer, you can transfer to dreamhost after you install WP there. WP, like other CMS packages, is designed to be modular, you just have to make sure you keep track of your customizations and know where they are. Good luck!


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