• Hi, this is Otsukare from Japan.
    (Re-posted from: https://www.ads-software.com/support/6/1879)
    For people like me who are using self-localized WP, there’s a lot to do whenever new version is released: modifying each file to fit the intended language and mail() function, etc.
    To solve this, I made this multilingual edition hack. The advantages of this are:
    1. Non-English user can easily modify WP’s language by just updating a language file (e.g. lang_ja.php).
    I need your help in:
    1. Please download & test it! https://wordpress.xwd.jp/files/
    2. Reporting bugs, and/or fixing them if you can.
    3. Translating language files (e.g. lang_de.php, lang_fr.php) into your language (only Japanese version is available for now). All language files other than lang_ja.php are dummies.
    4. Give me feedback -good or bad.

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  • Anonymous

    … i hope that Matt read this and implement this global effort work to the next 1.1 release…

    Me, too – :-D.


    Any news on that ?? – ??


    To Jason, Matt:
    Is there a date on the wp_translate thing. It’s been an month since the annoucement of the wp-translate function. And there are now 10’s of localized files based on Otsukare’s version. Doesn’t it just take a couple days if Matt work with Otsukare on the issue.



    No update 5 weeks after Otsukare effort ?
    Devs, are u still working on this highly important feature ?
    at least may we have a simple roadmap with dates and milestones ?
    and FYI, I would be glad to help on the french translation ??


    Hello all, I’m also waiting for some decision about the translations, or at least updates of the progress.
    I’m thinking about transalate my blog to swedish since the rest of my current site is swedish, but I want to follow the recomendations.

    Thread Starter otsukare


    Upgrading to WP v1.0.2 Multilingual Edition
    Go to https://sourceforge.jp/projects/wordpress/files/ and download wp102-multi.zip.
    Then overwrite *all* existing files (except wp-layout.css) with what you’ve just downloaded; most of the files are modified since the last version (v1.0.1-miles).
    After that, proceed as follows:
    * If you are using the newest release from www.ads-software.com (wordpress-1.0.2-blakey):
    –> go to /wp-admin/change.php
    * If you are using the last release from www.ads-software.com (wordpress-1.0.1-miles):
    –> go to /wp-admin/change.php
    * If you are using v1.01 Japanese Edition provided by wordpress.xwd.jp:
    –> go to /wp-admin/change.php
    * If you are using v1.0 Multilingual Edition provided by wordpress.xwd.jp:
    –> go to /wp-admin/upgrade.php
    At last, delete these files you won’t need anymore:
    I’ve ended distribution of Japanese Edition (not “Multilingual” Edition) as of March 12.
    Please use Multilingual Edition instead so we can stay compatible with www.ads-software.com’s original version.

    Ok, nice to see that the project went forward!
    However, i would like to point out that the language file covers only the administration files. The index.php file in the multilingual edition still has hard-coded text in it (e.g. “Filed under:”). I think that if we want WP to be really multi-lingual, we have to focus not only on the authors, but on the readers too…
    For example, after 4 or 5 months using WP, today i published a post closed to comments, only to discover that the comments_popup_link() function, which is deep inside wp-includes/template-funciotns.php, uses a $none variable that throws a “Comments off” english text on the page.
    Now, it looks bad to a reader if i have all the page in portuguese (say), but there is a single phrase in english.
    I don’t mean to just criticize – ithink this project is very important. But i think that someone who is authoring with WP is expected to know some english, the same doesn’t go for readers.

    This is great news!
    What about the file format ? Does it stay the same, or is it about to change, as Jason hinted ?
    Can we resume translating in the current fileformat ?

    You guys should look at Java’s mechanisms for Internationalization and Localization – they’ve already worked all this out, and it works really nicely.
    And a nice idea if you haven’t considered it is just to use the user’s locale (which they set in their browser – you can get it from the request) to determine what language to display messages in.

    Sorry, I didn’t get it:( What should I do to translate my blog in to diffirent language (in my case its russian)?

    > What should I do to translate my blog in to diffirent language?
    Translation is being done at https://wiki.www.ads-software.com. Go to:
    and create your language’s page.
    post translation of the phrases on this page (e.g. ‘Edit timestamp’ etc.):
    Here’s “How to Use Wiki”
    Hope this helps!

    My, people are not listenning!
    Look: translation as it is being done now will not translate the blog. It will only translate the admin pages. The page that readers actually read has hard-coded english that must be changed in the index.php page and inside some functions (template-funcions.php).
    Somebody (Otsurake?) more involved in the coding would take a look at this, please?

    Thank you for helping me!
    I have translated WP to russian. How can I apply the language to the blog now?
    anatman, it translates not only the admin pages, but also registration, login etc. index.php and other stuff can be easily translated manually.

    This is my interpretation of the events unfolding before our eyes. This is my guess:
    WP core developers are still looking into the translation issue. When they are ready they will publish the official -or right- format for language files. It is a complicated choice. There are several issues to consider.
    In the meanwhile we will have to do with the language file format (and method of translation) provided by the WP Multilingual Edition. This file format you find currently on WP Wiki Localization pages. – This language format is an ‘easy’ or ‘common’ format. Nothing wrong in that. It is very good.
    To use this ‘easy’ or current lang file format you have to use WP Multilingual Edition. The lang files work only with it. If I am not mistaken the Multilingual Edition is maintained by Otsukare. If there are functional changes to WP the same changes will be made to Multilingual Edition as well. Find your updates there.
    I believe what we have here is a parallel version of WP. It simply fullfills the needs of multilingual users in the short term. It is not a fork. Something was bound to fulfill the void: after almost 2 months there is still no official lang file format available.
    If you translate the strings and use the current lang file format your work will no be in vain. Whatever the right file format will be the same strings will have to be translated. But it might involve a lot of ‘cutting and pasting’ when converting.
    As for whether a particular translation is complete or not – I have not installed the Multilingual Edition. But having done some translating in the past there are always odd sentences deep down that are left in English. Even in programs that have claimed to be fully multilingual for several years. To hunt down those we need community effort. – So, a lot of work ahead.
    I hope I did not offend anyone…

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