That would be great to get your help to translate WebVTT into French.
Providing another localization would amount to supplying 2 files into the webvtt/languages folder (a .mo and a .po). Using a GNU gettext friendly translation tool to open up the language template file, translating all the identified strings that can be localized, and saving the translations into a new .po and .mo file.
Using an editor like Poedit makes it straight forward.
- Download Poedit from and install it.
- Open the language template file
and select the language to translate into (in this case French).
- Add all the translations for each source text line.
- Use “File -> Save as…” to save the changes to
- Use “File -> Compile to MO…” option to save the .mo file as
Now to get the .po and .mo files back into the repository, the easiest way would be to submit a Pull Request on GitHub so the changes could get merged in.
Thanks again for offering to translate.