• Resolved adzay


    Hi, how can I edit the Events menu on the wordpress menu section to show custom taxonomies for Locations as a submenu item?

    You have this already for the submenu item “event categories” and when I use the plugin “custom post types UI” to create new taxonomies for Events, they also show as a submenu item in the ‘Events’menu. Allowing me to add, delete ect.

    This doesn’t happen when I make a new taxonomy for Locations. It does not show in the wordpress events submenu. I can only view them in the “add New location” screen. While that screen allows me to add new categories,it does not allow me to delete any of the taxonomies.

    Will you be able to help me find a solution to this? If not, can you tell me the files I need to edit so that i can experiment and achieve this.


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  • check admin/em-admin.php; we add submenu pages there

    Thread Starter adzay


    Hi Agelonwl, I tried really hard, but I couldnt find any where that determined where the ‘Event categories’ showed, so that I could edit it to be ‘Location categories’. Are you willing to guide me with a line in that I should look at?

    you can try to hook into em_create_events_submenu filter


    function em_mod_submenu($plugin_pages){
     $plugin_pages["Location Categories"] = add_submenu_page('edit.php?post_type='.EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT, __('Location Categories','dbem'),__('Locations Categories','dbem'), 'read_others_locations', "locations", 'em_admin_ms_locations');
     return $plugin_pages;

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