Hi there,
Sorry you’re having trouble. Let me try to clarify a bit for you:
1) The location lookup will only work if your have your API Key configured to have BOTH the Places API and the Maps JS API enabled on your API key. Read here about that:
2) Then your business will only populate int he auto-complete field if it can serve reviews over Google’s API. The best way to confirm that is to try looking it up via Google’s example here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/places-autocomplete — if your business shows up on this tool, then it will show up in our widget as well, as long as your API key is configured correctly.
3) It’s possible that you’ve done #1 and #2 perfectly, but there’s another plugin on your site using the Maps API javascript and creating a conflict with our plugin. Please deactivate all plugins besides Google Places Reviews. If it works as expected then re-activate each plugin one at a time until you see the problem again. Then let us know which plugin caused the error and we’ll dig into it.
Let me know how that goes.