Killing off WordFence by renaming it was a good step but I think the part that is keeping you out is still there. You just don’t have a working Wordfence to fix that part.
Rename it back if you can and install this plugin if you can. You’ll probably have to resort to the CLI to install this one and enabling it but it can be done and it sounds like you might be able to get it working.
I usually install WordFence with the assistant plugin as a pair leaving the assistant disabled but ready if I ever need it.
Another thing I do is create a new user to get me back into the site and I ‘promote’ that new user to ‘admin’ via phpMyAdmin if I ever need it.
This article below will probably be perfect for your use also since you seem to have some experience with the technical side of things already…
If you run into troubles with the above then give the WordFence support a chance to help you next.
If you need more help from us then come back here and let us know.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by