• I’ve upgraded to the last version 4.0.12 and the instant I activated it I was locked out. Do not tamper with your database!!!!
    1. Connect to your site with FileZilla.
    2. Rename the plugin better-wp-security
    3. Clear your browser cache.
    4. Login to your wp site.
    5. Clear cache if you have installed one, the log out.
    6. In FileZilla find the file wp-content/uploads/ithemes-security/itsec_away.confg
    7. Open file to edit it.
    8. You will find in it the word “true”. Change-it to “false” (do not use quotes). Save file and upload-it back when prompted by FileZilla.
    9. Go back to your site and login. Be sure all caches are cleared first! Now your site should work. Log out.
    10. Go back to FileZilla and rename the plugin to its original name.
    The plugin will be now again in use and let you login. Keep away from the ssl tweaks if you don’t want to be locked out again. This part doesn’t work !!!

    EXPLANATION: This is not a bug. It is done in purpose to push users to buy the pro version which comes with support. The setup.php file runs on install and sets the away mode to “true” which is why one gets locked out. This is to simple to be an error. Remember the developers’ statement on this forum “We are working hard to fix bla, bla bla” and the statement on the plugin dashboard as this a complicated matter so to make the long story short “come buy our support”. The least I can say is that it is unprofessional and a low level tactic. It is most probable that future releases will include more subtle so called bugs. Always keep somewhere a trusted working copy. Enjoy!


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  • Interesting theory. Thanks for sharing.

    Hi, I had a similar problem with a clients site. After being warned about the upgrade locking users out, they deactivated the plugin. The result of this was the following code was put in wp-config.php

    define( 'FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true );
     define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true );
     define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );

    Deleting or commenting out this code solved the problem.


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