• Hi everyone,

    I’ve been locked out of my admin dashboard for a couple of days and need your professional help guys…!!

    my website is https://www.neteffectrepair.com and the admin login page is https://www.neteffectrepair.com/wp-admin

    When I try to login, the address bar changes to “https://www.neteffectrepair.com/~neteffec/wp-login.php”

    It seems like it’s getting redirected to ~neteffec directory automatically when the password is typed in and processed.

    I’m not 100% sure if it redirecting to ~neteffec directory before or not but the weird thing is… When I click on forgot password and where you have to type in your user name or the email address and get the email with the new password, it doesn’t send me anything… also, when I searched online, people are saying that when you input your email or the username, the message in the box changes to “email sent blah blah blah” but… mine just stays the same at “Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.”

    I have tried many times to get the email but there is nothing… no spam either…

    SO, I was thinking maybe this wp-login is directed to a wrong path? how can I change it so that it doesn’t get automatically redirected to ~neteffec and just stay as .com/wp-admin to log in?

    Please let me know if you know how to correct this issue! Thank you!!

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  • Well, the reason to may looks like this:

    “neteffec” is your username for that hosting account. When you setup the account, it has a temporary URL ending with “~neteffec”. It is not a subdirectory, it should be the root directory.

    I can guess why you get this, but that’s not important.

    First of all, if your site is setup @ https://www.neteffectrepair.com/, then you should change two important URLs in WordPress database. Which will at least get you to the login interface.

    They are:

    WordPress Address (URL) & Site Address (URL)

    You can change this by access database directly via CPanel -> phpMyAdmin. The table you are looking for is:
    – wp_options

    two records to update are:
    – siteurl
    – home

    If this not works for you, and you still have access to the site via FTP. Then I may try “search & replace”

    To replace “https://www.neteffectrepair.com/~neteffec”
    with “https://www.neteffectrepair.com”

    Thread Starter gksgudtjr


    Hey 2bearstudio, thank you for the reply!

    I’ve checked the wp_options > site url and home and they’re both set to https://www.neteffectrepair.com I don’t see ~neteffec so I couldn’t change anything there.

    I’ve installed search & replace and tried to replace ~neteffec to / but the result came back as expected. “Completed
    In the process of replacing “www.neteffectrepair.com/~neteffec” with “www.neteffectrepair.com/” we scanned 1 tables with a total of 346 rows, 0 cells were changed and 0 db update performed and it all took 0.121873 seconds.”

    When I type in https://www.neteffectrepair.com/wp-admin I see this link “https://www.neteffectrepair.com/~neteffec/wp-login.php?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.neteffectrepair.com%2F%7Eneteffec%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1” Does this tell you anything?

    Thanks again!! =)

    I feel like your browser cache is in effect. Have you cleared browser cache? or try another browser?

    Thread Starter gksgudtjr


    Yes, I have tried clearing the browser cache (safari) from the Develop menu and selecting “empty cache” and also tried a freshly installed chrome just now and it’s doing the same thing.. =(

    I get the login page and found the page is cached version (by W3 Total Cache).

    I understand you can’t reset or disable W3 Total Cache without login. You may try to delete the plugin via FTP, (you can always install it back if it is required).

    Sometimes, improper caching files cause weird problem.

    Thread Starter gksgudtjr


    Hey, I’ve deleted the W3 Total Cache from the FTP server but still doing the same thing..

    So far, I’ve tried these:

    – Changing the password from myPHPadmin from cpanel
    – Clearing Cache
    – Disabling all plugin from FTP
    – Disabling wordpress theme
    – Editing wp-config at the very top to set password
    and… few more thing but can’t remember..

    I’ve followed almost all the web forum suggestions… I came here to get my last help…. =( any ideas? Do I need to remake the website from scratch? *sigh*

    You are using Kage Pro theme. Any customization work?

    I don’t know any other solution unless I can have a look at all the customization code. Because certainly, something is working to redirect your login to this (“https://www.neteffectrepair.com/~neteffec”) address.

    Any custom plugin installed?
    Any custom functions in the theme?

    Thread Starter gksgudtjr


    If I provide you with my FTP server info, would you be able to narrow this problem down? I believe this happened after I was trying to optimize my database for wordpress website speed but not 100% sure… Please let me know. Thank you!!

    If your website works fine before optimizing database, and the only thing you did is db optimization. I may need to check the database as well.

    You can send the FTP login via my personal email. We go from there. [email protected]

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