• Hi-

    For some reason, my site wasn’t working with my passcode. After multiple attempts at entering my email address to reset my password, I never received an email. So, I then started trying other passwords which then locked me out of my account.

    I need access ASAP to my account. I noticed this is a common problem and I can’t believe for a company that is responsible for so many websites, there isn’t a very easy way to deal with this incredibly common issue.

    Please help immediately…need access!!!!!

    Kayla Farhang

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  • Thread Starter kaylafarhang


    by the way, I’m not a techie, so asking me to code something or FTP into it, isn’t going to work. Simply need someone to reset my passcode.

    jack randall


    your mention of a “company responsible for so many sites” would suggest that it’s a wordpress.com issue and you should take it up with their help…

    Thread Starter kaylafarhang


    Hi, no I’m on www.ads-software.com. I changed my url from https://www.omgwheredyougetthat.com to https://www.kaylarenee.com and since then I can’t logon to my account nor can I get a new password sent to me nor can I find anyone to talk to directly about this problem. Looking through the forum this seems to be a common problem, yet I can’t find a solution anywhere.

    Thoughts???? Please help…I haven’t been able to access my site for days because of this problem.

    Considering that you’re asking not to mention FTP, I guess somebody else transfered the files from your old to new domain. So you should contact that somebody and ask for a new username and pass (or your old one if everything was transfered correctly).

    Thread Starter kaylafarhang


    right, Go Daddy changed my blog from pointing to OMG Where’d You Get that to Kayla Renee. I’m on the phone with then now for the past 45 minutes and they say they can’t change the password because passwords are managed by WordPress, however there is no one who can help me at WordPress (or no one has yet). And Go Daddy has tried everything from their side and nothing is working…still not receiving an email with a new password.

    Thread Starter kaylafarhang


    for example, let’s say I use the emergency script. The first step is to create a .php file. What is that? How do I create this? There is an assumption that whoever is reading these instructions is knowledgeable about creating and dealing with scripts and code. I am not….obviously. Resetting a password shouldn’t be this complicated and from the look of the forum this has been going on for a long time with numerous people trying these steps with little to no success.

    On day 5 of trying to resolve this problem. Please help. I’m a 35, I used to work in IT, I’m a bright person. Please just send clear steps that I can follow so I can resolve this issue.

    Can you login into your old site?
    Also, what happened when you’ve decided to change the domain – are you still with the same hosting provider, are you using a redirection from old to new domain? Were any of the WP files ever moved (if using a new hosting provider at least from old to new one)?

    Thread Starter kaylafarhang


    I had them re-connect my blog back to my old site. When they did this I was able to get access back to my blog. Still no solution for resetting a password if it’s pointed to kaylarenee.com, so I’ve decided to logon back into the old site, export my blog and move to a SquareSpace site. It shouldn’t take over 5 days to figure out how to get back into my site with no customer service here at WordPress. I have a feeling wordpress won’t be around much longer with all these new services that make it so much easier to build a site and actually provide customer support.

    ah well, thanks for trying.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    What services are you paying for from www.ads-software.com?

    None whatsoever. ??

    Hi, no I’m on www.ads-software.com.

    @kaylafarhang the software you may be using from WordPress which was written and supported 100% by unpaid volunteers. No one here (especially not www.ads-software.com) has anything to do with anyone you may have paid. While we all care for users of the software, there’s no customer service here because you’re not anyone here customer.

    Honest. We’re trying to help you on our free time.

    Starting at the top: what’s the URL you are trying to get access to? This URL https://www.kaylarenee.com/ has this in the HTML code.

    <!DOCTYPE html><body style="padding:0; margin:0;"><iframe src="https://mcc.godaddy.com/park/rT5frJ5ypzSlpv5jLab=" style="visibility: visible;height: 2000px;" allowtransparency="true" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%"></iframe></body></html>

    Which looks like GoDaddy messed up. That’s not something that WordPress will generate.

    Can you show GoDaddy this topic? It sounds like it may be something they can sort out but they’ve got to be told that they’re parking your website and you don’t want that.

    Thread Starter kaylafarhang


    Hi everyone-

    first off, sorry if I’ve upset the community. i realize all of you are doing this on your free time. clearly i’m asking the wrong group of people…but this is where I got routed to every time I looked for “support”. Either way, thank you kindly for all of your help. Clearly this is a site better suited for those with more skills than I have, so that’s why I’ve decided to switch. I’d rather pay a couple bucks a month and know my site is supported and can be maintained without getting into any kind of code. After spending 2 hours on the phone with GoDaddy, I will not be calling them back. They now have the site pointed back to OMGWheredyougetthat so that I can export my data to upload to SquareSpace.

    Again, thanks everyone for trying to help. I noticed several other strings on this forum with similar questions and no answers, so I have a feeling it will come up again next time someone switched a domain name with GoDaddy.

    Happy Monday!

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