Locked out of your site? WP crashed? Please read this first.
If you are locked out of your site or if WordPress crashed right after installing/activating NinjaFirewall, follow these guidelines:
* Connect to your server via FTP and download the
files located inside your WordPress root folder (this is where is also located your mainindex.php
page, the blog configurationwp-config.php
and its license filelicense.txt
etc).* Edit those files and remove all occurrences of NinjaFirewall, that is, anything that starts with
BEGIN NinjaFirewall
and ends withEND NinjaFirewall
.* Re-upload those files to your server.
* If the operation was successful, you should be able to access your WordPress admin console.
* Go back to WordPress ‘Plugins’ menu and click on “Deactivate” link under NinjaFirewall.
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