Hi @morethemerrier
IF you do not have any code in htaccess and already removed files and do not have database tables then there is no any AIOS plugin related code going to work which redirects it might be cache issue or something else issue.
Below is steps to remove AIOS plugin completely you may cross check again.
In extra of remove the plugins files /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall,
tables start with {tableprefix}_aiowps needs to remved also remove from wp_options having “aio”
SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '%aio%'
Please also remove from .htaccess all code between,
“BEGIN All In One WP Security”
“END All In One WP Security”
Also make sure that wp-config.php. , htaccess, .user.ini file in root of the wordpress installed directory do not include the aios-bootstrap.php
and remove aios-bootstrap.php from the same folder you have wp-config.php
Also remove the wp-content\uploads\aios\firewall-rules\settings.php