Thank you for using our plugin.
I am sorry to read about your issue. Have you changed anything since you stopped receiving emails from the plugin, maybe updated the plugin or other plugins, or have you done any other changes on the website? Very often this issue is caused by email deliverability problems.
If you do not have any backup codes, the best way forward is to manually deactivate the plugin, log in, and once you log in reconfigure things and set up backup codes. Here is how you can do it:
Step 1: Manually deactivate the plugin: The process is manual but quite straightforward – all you need to do is rename the plugin’s folder. You can find more information about this process here –?How to manually disable WordPress plugins with no wp-admin access
Step 2: Log in to your WordPress: now that the plugin is deactivated, no 2FA will be required to login. Please log in with your username and password.
Step 3: Reactivate the plugin: using the same process used to deactivate the plugin, rename the plugin folder to its original name. Kindly ensure you stay logged in to WordPress during the process.
Step 4: Refresh your WordPress page, and the plugin will once again become available. Navigate to your WordPress profile page, scroll down to the Two-factor authentication settings section and click on Change 2FA settings. You can now set up 2FA.
To avoid getting locked out in the future, I would recommend enabling alternative 2FA backup methods. We’ve written about this subject in details in this article; How to recover from a WordPress 2FA lockout.
I hope the above helps. Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Have a great day.