Let’s just say I’m a knowledgeable person heavily interested in WordPress security.
iThemes has fixed other bugs in the lockout code in the past, so I’m sure they’ll fix any of the ones that still exist as well as soon as they pop up on their radar.
Do lockouts still expire and get purged if the “Permanent ban” option is set?
Yes, they do.
Allthough, once IPs are banned (in the .htaccess file) they are banned forever unless you decide to remove them from the Ban Hosts setting.
Removing a banned IP from the Ban Hosts setting will remove the banned IP entry in the .htaccess file.
So basically lockouts are temporary and bans are (sort of) permanent.
If you whitelist your IP no lockouts will occur and no ban can happen on your IP.
(Or at least thats how it is supposed to work).
In fact the plugin automatically whitelists anyones IP that successfully logs into the WordPress Dashboard as an administrator. The only difference is that it’s a temporary whitelist that is set to expire in 24 hours.
The plugin creates 3 tables in your database:
Where [prefix_] should be substituted with your database table prefix.
So when you manually clear the [prefix_]itsec_lockouts table, make sure to clear the [prefix_]itsec_temp as well.
That way your manual action is similar to what the itsec_purge_lockouts cron job does.