• How can I log the IPs of all voters?

    The plugin’s “help” section is confusing – it gives me code but doesn’t tell me which file to put the code in. I put it in the plugin’s index.php.

    I added this function in the class:

    public function log_star_rating($post_id, $stars, $ip) {
                        $file = 'logs.txt';
                        $fh   = fopen($file, 'a');
                        fwrite($fh, 'PID: ' . $post_id . ' Stars: ' . $stars . ' IP: ' . $ip . '\n');

    And amongst the other add_action()s, I added this:

    add_action('kksr_rate', array($kkStarRatings_obj, 'log_star_rating'));

    Now it just says “An error occurred” when I try to rate a post.

    I also tried adding the code in my theme’s functions.php file but it never created the logs.txt file.

    Any ideas?


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