• My site has been working well for years but now I can’t log in.
    The login page appears, I sign in, it reverts to blank log in page.
    I’ve reset my password.
    I’ve cleared the cache.
    Deactivated plugins by FTP
    Deactivated theme (Bigbang)
    Replaced wp-admin and wp-includes folders on my host.

    I had a look at the my PHPadmin but find it hard to understand the editing process.

    my site is https://www.chrisleedrawing.co.uk

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  • have you tried resetting password by php myadmin means by database.do that

    Thread Starter chrisleedrawing


    went into phpadmin and found the file with password, but wasn’t able to edit it. The password appeared as a long number, not my password.
    I’m not familiar with php, it overwhelmed me I’m afraid.
    I will try again. Thank you.

    go to you control panel of hosting and there will be option of database or PHPmyadmin.if you have number of website in your hosting than there will be number of database. in order to check which is you website database so edit config.php file of wordpress file and check which database name is updated.then after login to phpmyadmin check for wp_users in that and how to edit see https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Resetting_Your_Password.

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