You can’t login, probably due to this reason so:
the cookie is not set correctly into WP side by the plugin code, because the cookie setting is wrong. It is auto-setup and +- never fail, except some domain configurations.
Open with a text editor wp_w3all.php file (this will option on next 1.7.2 on wp_w3all config)
and +- on top, you’ll see this commented line:
// $w3reset_cookie_domain = '';
remove (as explained on same line) // chars in front, and edit in this way adding your domain name (note the dot in front):
$w3reset_cookie_domain = '';
Load any WP page one time, than try now to login on WP side
Now the cookie should be correctly released to be visible by phpBB (domain and/or subdomain).
After you’ve check that the login is now ok in WP in this state, so it has been correctly stored, than you can comment out other time the line of code above, it is now not more necessary, so just re-add in front the two chars // in this way
// $w3reset_cookie_domain = '';
there is possibility that you are hosted on a subdomain that contain the main domain like for example
In this case, ther cookie setting need to include your subdomain name (but only in these cases, not for example in a subdomain install where you can own domain and subdomain, and have wp into domain and/or phpBB into subdomain or viceversa)
Hope all clear, but if any problem, just post what’s your domain name.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by