• hii i ma using this plugin because i don’t if user is logged in he fill the information in form all again only message he need to feel

    example there are five filled name, contact no, comapany name and email id and message

    i want if user is not logged in then this field look blank and then user fill this info and then send but if user logged in using this plugin that will fetch the userinfor and first four field already get filled if user want he might go for edit

    for name : billing_first_name
    comapny name : billing_company
    phone no. : billing_phone
    Email : billing_email

    i am using [dynamictext dynamicname “CF7_get_billing_first_name”] this shortcode for to fetch the name but it’s not working also not working for email too [dynamictext dynamicname “CF7_get_user_email”] only for current username can be fetching with shortcode
    [dynamictext dynamicname “CF7_get_current_user”]
    i saw you are usin this function to make it’s workable
    function cf7_get_current_user($atts){
    ‘key’ => ‘user_login’,
    ), $atts));

    global $current_user;

    $val = $current_user->$key;
    return $val;
    add_shortcode(‘CF7_get_current_user’, ‘cf7_get_current_user’);

    can you tell me the similar script to fetch the below things

    for name : billing_first_name
    comapny name : billing_company
    phone no. : billing_phone
    Email : billing_email

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  • Thread Starter siddy24


    Please, Somebody, Reply !! At least tell me is this Possible or not or did I as any wrong Question

    Take a look at my post HERE!

    Thread Starter siddy24


    i Tried that thing but not working i want use this for four field for
    name : billing_first_name
    comapny name : billing_company
    phone no. : billing_phone
    Email : billing_email

    once it Done for any one field then it can be done for others but i am getting confused will you please go through my code and suggest me the right code because after then i will manage to with the other field
    for name i am using this code Please suggest the right code

    /* Insert custom fields about the current user
    * New in 2.0.2? Hope so! ^__^
    * Author: Antonio Calabrò – [email protected]
    * See https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/get_user_meta
    function cf7_get_current_user_billing_first_name($atts) {
    ‘key’ => ‘user_login’,
    ), $atts));
    global $current_user;
    $billing_first_name = get_user_billing_first_name( $current_user->billing_first_name, $key, true );
    return $billing_first_name;

    Thread Starter siddy24


    it will be great if you give me a solution as soon as possible. because my project is getting Delay and in india this is Diwali period a big celebration festival so please understand the importance i will be very thankful if this problem get solved as soon as possible

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