• Resolved libertar


    I believe that the logic of exclusion of the categories should be split…
    What I mean is that:
    I manage a section on a page with backing category ex. FEATURED …then I have a post with 2 categories (FEATURED and other…CATEGORY1).
    If I don’t want the category FEATURED published on Taxonomies Sitemap I check this category on “excluded categories” list but ….ok this category is excluded from Taxonomies Sitemap but are also excluded all posts from “Posts Sitemap”.
    I think that
    1) or the posts list query isn’t correct
    2) or needed two lists of excluded categories…one for categories sitemap and other one that of categories and another that regulates the list of posts

    If I didn’t understand category exclusion logic please explain me because at now if I check the category “FEATURED” on the list of excluded categories, automatically are also excluded all posts (in posts sitemap) that between its categories also the category “FEATURED”

    Thanks in advance


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