Yes, you can by using these filter hooks and you get the URLs by this function
$url = um_get_core_page( 'register' );
$url = um_get_core_page( 'login' );
Install by adding the code snippet to your active theme’s functions.php
or use the “Code Snippets” Plugin
* UM hook
* @type filter
* @title um_login_form_button_two_url
* @description Change Login Form Secondary button URL
* @input_vars
* [{"var":"$secondary_btn_url","type":"string","desc":"Button URL"},
* {"var":"$args","type":"array","desc":"Login Form arguments"}]
* @change_log
* ["Since: 2.0"]
* @usage
* <?php add_filter( 'um_login_form_button_two_url', 'function_name', 10, 2 ); ?>
* @example
* <?php
* add_filter( 'um_login_form_button_two_url', 'my_login_form_button_two_url', 10, 2 );
* function my_login_form_button_two_url( $secondary_btn_url, $args ) {
* // your code here
* return $secondary_btn_url;
* }
* ?>
* UM hook
* @type filter
* @title um_register_form_button_two_url
* @description Change Registration Form Secondary button URL
* @input_vars
* [{"var":"$secondary_btn_url","type":"string","desc":"Button URL"},
* {"var":"$args","type":"array","desc":"Registration Form arguments"}]
* @change_log
* ["Since: 2.0"]
* @usage
* <?php add_filter( 'um_register_form_button_two_url', 'function_name', 10, 2 ); ?>
* @example
* <?php
* add_filter( 'um_register_form_button_two_url', 'my_register_form_button_two_url', 10, 2 );
* function my_register_form_button_two_url( $secondary_btn_url, $args ) {
* // your code here
* return $secondary_btn_url;
* }
* ?>