• Resolved coldrealms65


    Since my last comments were all deleted, I figured I’d make my own thread:

    After the update to (and through The configured new login page shows up correctly however once you enter your credentials the login bounces to a 404. Rendering the sites unable to be logged in unless i deactivate the plugin.

    I have excluded cloudflare, and added exclusions within varnish.

    I have uninstalled and re-installed the plugin.
    This happens across all our websites, small and large.

    There are no security plugins on our smallest test site. The error happens with the default 2024 theme and no other plugins.

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  • Plugin Support MaximeWPS



    Thanks for using WPS Hide Login.

    I can’t replicate the issue. What is you configuration ?

    Thread Starter coldrealms65


    The sites are running on a LEMP stack +Varnish + Redis

    I have no redirects on the test site.

    I even tried setting a specific location block in nginx to fix the issue:

    location = /hells_login {
    rewrite ^ /wp-login.php last;

    Thread Starter coldrealms65


    Changes with the latest update:

    Now with the plugin activated i get an error saying i need cookies enabled to log into wordpress. Interestingly with the plugin deactivated i can log into the site just fine and receive no errors performing any actions.

    Plugin Support MaximeWPS



    Because your /wp-admin and login pages are cached whereas they shouldn’t.

    Exclude them from all your caches.

    Thread Starter coldrealms65


    I am not sure why you think they are.

    I have exclusions in cloudflare and varnish. Wprocket doesn’t cache them.

    Can you point me to what makes you think they are cached?

    Plugin Support MaximeWPS



    The error notice about cookies implies they are cached. Add a query string after the URI and you’ll be able to log in.

    Thread Starter coldrealms65


    So I tested with: https://theinfinite.us/test_login/?=test
    Same 404 redirect when hitting “log in”

    And still get the cookies error. So am I not adding the query string correctly?

    Thread Starter coldrealms65


    just to confirm:
    This was not an issue with prior versions of the plugin as others have experianced.

    I verified the login page is not being cached anywhere, results from caching test:
    Cache-control:no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
    Via:1.1 varnish (Varnish/7.1)

    Disabled all plugins except WPS Hide Login

    Also note:
    Before the very last update i was not getting the cookie error, but just the 404 bounce, so something you just changed got us this far.

    Plugin Support MaximeWPS


    Maybe browser cache.

    Have you still got the cookie error after cleaning the browser cache or from another browser ?

    Thread Starter coldrealms65


    Sorry for the long delay, it has been too hot to work in our offices.
    Yes, the cookie error appears in all browsers, incognito modes, cleared caches…everything.

    When I just deleted the plugin and readded it i no longer get the cookie error. However, I still bounce directly to a 404 when submitting login credentials.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by coldrealms65.
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