• Hi @gioni
    I have detected the following little error. It is generated when BUDDYPRESS is activated. If BUDDYPRESS is not activated all will run well. Following I give you details of error.
    If you do logout when you are into dashboard area (www.yourweb.coom/wp-admin), you will be redirected to the following URL:
    Now, from this page, if you do log in with an user administrator all will run well and you will redirected to the dashboard (www.yourweb.com/wp-admin).
    But If you from the this page:
    do log in with an suscriber user, it will happens something strange… You will not redirected in DASHBOARD, you will stay in the same page:
    and it seams you are not logged in… but it is not so… your SUSCRIBER USER now is LOGGED IN. If you delete from URL “wp-login/?loggedout=true” and let only “www.yourweb.com/” and refresh you browser you will be redirect in your home page and you can see that your SUSCRIBER USER is LOGGED IN.
    That only happen with BUDDYPRESS. If you deactivate buddypress all run well. But if you activate BUDDYPRESS you will have this error.
    I hope you have understand me. If not, plesase let me know and I give you more details. If you want I can send you credential of my web to your mail.
    Please, let me know if you can resolve this issue.
    Thanks for your support.

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