• I was “successful” at installing WordPress, but the Step 3 page of the installation was blank (except for “Step 3”)…
    The database was created and the blog is visible. I am able to create/edit users using phpMyAdmin, but my login just loops…
    I’m not sure what is going on – any ideas?

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  • Have you tried closing the browser, and clearing the cookies ?
    What OS / browser are you using ?

    Thread Starter savvy


    I’ve tried using different browsers, closing them, clearing cache, uninstall/reinstall WP… all end up with the same result.
    I get a Step 3 and that page’s body is blank. According to the documentation, the only screen left in the install process is a page that give you a random-generated password for admin.
    I then used phpMyAdmin to change the password in the wp_users table. I then went to /wordpress/ to confirm it was even loaded. When I click “login”, it doesn’t do anything. I then clicked “register” and created a normal user. On the last page of the registration process, I’m presented w/ a button to login… again nothing happpens. I confirmed that my new normal user was added to the wp_users table.
    There must be something wrong with /wordpress/wp-login.php
    Good thing I’m commited to getting WordPress running, or this would be enough to drive me to MoveableType or Blogger. I’m familar w/ PHP, but not the WP system so I have no idea where the problem could be.
    Please tell me this is a common problem.

    Can you get into irc ?
    Freenode #wordpress

    Thread Starter savvy


    Sorry, never used IRC before… Never found a need and nobody explained the benefits.
    I started to look at the wp-login.php code and may have found my issue… There is a for loop to set variable names listed in the $wpvarstorest. I outputed the value of each variable and all are blank. The next code section performs a switch($action), which is not set so nothing happens.

    Using #wordpress on irc means you can chat to people who know a lot about php and the wordpress code.
    People have found it to be a quicker route to fixing problems.

    from what i’ve seen and experienced, it seems like this “login loop” is a recurring issue that MANY people are experiencing, including myself.
    so other than completely blowing away the installation and doing a clean install, is there any way to fix this besides clearing cookies & turning off firewalls/zonealarm?
    i’ve tried playing around with the wp-users table and changing the ip address/web address/etc, but that seems to have no effect whatsoever. anybody have more ideas on this?

    Thread Starter savvy


    Sounds to me like WordPress is not ready (aka useless) if there are login issues. How can this be getting so much hype when there seems to be a major usability issue overlooked? How are people even able to hype it up if you can’t log in to use it?

    ugh, i finally got it working:
    followed every single step and it worked like a charm. it may have been an id10t error on my part because i noticed the new hash i generated was totally different from the hash in wp_users. not sure if hash changes everytime, if the hash in wp_users was ‘corrupted’ somehow, or if i just changed my password and didn’t remember it. oh well, seems to work fine now….. crossing fingers for the long term

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