• OK, I think I found out what’s causing my login difficulties. Caused me a whole day experementing ?? I went through everything step by step, and this is what happens:
    From the moment I use the option of having my blog and wordpressfiles in different folders I can’t login anymore. I’m keeping my blog and wordpress folders side by side like 2fargon explained here.
    In my case that’s https://www.spoenk.nl/weblog and https://www.spoenk.nl/wordpress. Also I made all the changes in the options menu to seperate wp and content (the URL and URI), and I changed require(‘.wp-blog-header.php’); into require(‘../wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’); and moved the index.php to the blogdirectory.
    And from now on I get this message: https://www.spoenk.nl/wordpress/wp-login.php?redirect_to=%2Fwordpress%2Fwp-admin%2F
    and can’t login anymore. I found out that when I change ‘home’ in the database back to https://www.spoenk.nl/wordpress, the problem is solved. So somewhere during the logincheck the path to the wordpressfiles is lost. Just during this proces, because otherwise the site works OK with the two folders side by side. Not the login though…

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  • In a localhost I’m still getting that URL after trying to Login:

    For the first time I thought that was a cookies trouble, but I’m not sure. Why that characters%2F appear? What does mean? Where the problem is?
    I got that URL if the user and password are ok, but if I write a wrong user or password the URL after login is:
    NOT an Error advice or page appear.
    Need help with this!

    %2F is the ‘/’ I think.

    You’re right, but why that appear after trying to login?

    Thread Starter Jack


    2fargon, like I said I was following your posted example of blog and wordpressfiles side by side.
    Have you ever tried it out yourself? Have you any idea why this keeps going wrong in my case? It’s rather crucial to me. My site is almost transferred from MT to WP and working ok, but I can’t publish until this is solved.
    Could it have something to do with the “%2F” in “wp-login.php?redirect_to=%2Fwordpress%2Fwp-admin%2F”? Because this assumes the site is in the rootfolder, while actually the url of this line would mean the file is looking for /wordpress/wp-login.php while it is already in the wordpressfolder, giving a total url of https://www.spoenk.nl/wordpress/wordpress/wp-login.php!!!
    And that’s wrong!

    I am having the exact same problem.
    I have my wordpress installed in /wordpress/, and my blog in /blog/.
    When I try to log in, it merely seems to reload the login page, but adds “?redirect_to=%2Fwordpress%2Fwp-admin%2F” to the url.
    I would also appreciate help on this matter.

    I had the same problem when I clicked on logout in the admin panel.
    I think its a cookie problem. Yes I know deleting cookies doenst help but thats my guess.
    But here is a workarround I found at the forums.
    Go to your database (optionvalues I think is the table’s name) and change the value of you index.php location back to the original one.
    Move back you index.php file back to the installation dir.
    Login normally.
    Then do the “move homepage” dance again.
    Change the location in admin’s options.
    Move your index file again.
    Now you are looged in again.
    DONT loggout !!!
    Hope that helped till the devs fix it !

    Kyramas, that’s too complicated! The system must to work as it was created. I’m waiting for an answer ’cause couldn’t understand why this trouble is happening and where is originated.
    I leave the cookies or session problem, think it’s other ‘thing’ that make the URL fail … I just installed other CMS and there’s no problem with cookies, cookies are working fine on my localhost but each system manage things in a different way.
    Why the redirection after login fails?
    That’s my question.

    Thread Starter Jack


    I reported this problem also in the ‘beta-discussion’ section. The answer I got was that it has been passed on to the developers, so I also hope this will be corrected soon :).
    The only workaround I can give at this moment is 1. Never logout 2. Just before you logout reset the blogurl to match that one of wp (but this means your blog will fetch the original css so it will look terrible, unless you refer to your css by absolute path and not by using something like get_settings(‘home’)), and in the case something goes wrong 3. go to phpadmin, look in the table ‘options’ and somewhere at the bottom is a field where you see that ‘home’ is ‘www.site.com/blog’. Change that into /wordpressfolder and you will be able to login again.
    Terrible way of doing things, but it works for now… ??

    I have the same problem, us another browser and it works. I think only internet explorer are effected.

    Not just IE, I’m using Mozilla Firefox 0.8 and also tryied in IE and Opera and have the same problem.
    I tryied almost everything, deleting the wordpress folder and the database and starting again with the “Mingus” version, but “Mingus” sounds as good music but not as my new Blog Tool … ;-(
    I’m going to keep searching for a good answer …
    After the clear and fast installation I’ve also deleted the wordpress cookies and cach?? (that seems that cookies are working), but the login problem is still given me that weird characters in the URL.

    Ravenpix, as I pointed out earlier (of course I can’t be 100% sure) is what you’re doing unnecessary because it has nothing to do with the files or database. At first I also started all over again with dropping all tables in the database etc. and that worked, until I changed the optionsetting blogURL/wpURL to parallel directories. So the problem lies there, and not with your files.
    I use Mozilla 1.6 by the way, and it has also nothing to do with the cookies.

    until I changed the optionsetting blogURL/wpURL to parallel directories

    Sorry, can you explain a little bit more about it? parallel directories?

    1. Never logout

    How to Logout if I can’t Login?

    3. go to phpadmin, look in the table ‘options’ and somewhere at the bottom is a field where you see that ‘home’ is ‘www.site.com/blog’. Change that into /wordpressfolder and you will be able to login again.

    I did it but couldn’t find that “home” field, the only field where I see my Blog URL is in wp_options >> option_id >> 1 >> Option_value
    And seems to be ok.

    ditto ravenpix #1. i didn’t get that part about logging in and never out, either. ??
    still hoping for a solution…

    Thread Starter Jack


    1. With parallel I mean https://www.site.com/weblog and https://www.site.com/wordpress. Side by side, and not your index.php in https://www.site.com and your wordpressfiles in https://www.site.com/wordpress. This last option works, but it should also work with directories side by side.
    2. Never logout after you logged in again. In phpadmin there are more rows than first visible. You can fill in a field at the bottom where you can choose to show 100 rows (beginning with 30 or something it says). Then there will be a row at the bottom (in my case row two from the bottom) with the field I mentioned. If you edit that field back from to https://www.site.com/blog -> https://www.site.com/wordpress (or whatever your folders are named), you will be able to login again.
    So there is nothing wrong with your passwords or files!

    Yep, same problem, and I checked the various things. Resetting “home” back to where I have wp installed always fixed the login bit.
    I should add that when I tried the sending password thing, that password did not work either AND there was something wrong with the emails I was sent.
    One Contained the password and url to go to, but “login:” was blank. The other had even less information, saying that a password was reset, a bunch of blank lines and then a period (.).
    Also, the emails had no proper from name & address, even though I had configured the admin email (and I double-checked the db).
    So, I am thinking that there’s a problem with the getting settings function(s).

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